Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Time Warp

 I haven’t looked at my sleep stats from last night, and I don’t really want to - it was a weird one!

Tossed & turned with 3 trips to the potty - diuresis I suppose? My weight is down 2 lbs which I know is all bloat… but more distressing than my weak bladder is my mental state - each time I swam into consciousness, my brain kept insisting it was the weekend! I would remind myself  “No, it’s Wednesday!” while giving myself a mental pat-on-the-back for surviving yesterday (recap to follow, another challenging day!) - I kept reliving this time loop over & over & OVER again. 

Maybe my mind is finally broken from all the stress - yesterday we were shorthanded since my receptionist was out, her college-freshman daughter had some sort of panic attack so they were up most of Monday night? Typical Tuesday, double-booked on appointments with a full surgery schedule. Thank goodness our favorite pharmaceutical rep stopped by - he went & picked us up Chinese food which we had about 15 minutes to scarf down. During that mini-break, Kristy disclosed to me that (our receptionist) Amber has a drinking problem, there is turmoil at home and THAT is why their daughter is stressed out. Great, now I get to play counselor when Amber comes back! I’ve joked around for years that I should have an honorary psychology degree, between employee drama and all of the clients over the years who confide in us…

After work I raced over to Costco to meet my friend Sam & deliver a strangles vaccine for his young mare - they’ve had an outbreak at his boarding facility. (Another disadvantage of boarding - you have no control  over kind-hearted souls rescuing a sick animal, failing to quarantine it, and exposing your own to disease!) I made a quick run-through, buying that ubiquitous rotisserie chicken with a few other tidbits. I picked up a tri-pack of “Readi-Bake” sourdough loaves which I thought P might like - of course me too; is there anything much better than a fresh crusty piece of hot bread? I got home to find a partial loaf in the kitchen which P had brought home from HEB - great minds think alike!

My next challenge (outside of all of the usual: finding homes for snakes, clearing out Mesquite house, marketing the mobile unit & the surgery trailer) will be sitting down with my mom this afternoon to decide once & for all if we’re moving her to Arabella. Not exactly what I want to tackle at this point in time, but if she will consent to it I think it would be a much better situation for her. I’ll just have to hire in help from the nursing agency for those first couple of weeks. Where is my oxygen mask again? Oh yeah - it’s out there on the high desert plateau of Fort Stanton, I just have to GET THERE!

                                                        Bears revisiting 


  1. Love the memes, I may borrow one! You've got the ducks lined up. Maybe getting one will start you on the road to breathing better.
    I hope mom agreed to the move. That would be a big duck.

    1. QUACK QUACK!!! At this point I'd love to feel as if I have all my ducks lined up - it's more like a scattering of chickens these days!

  2. I struggle with sleep way too much too. Hate it!

    Yikes on the drama about Amber. As I have gotten older, my tolerance for this sort of person has dwindled. I don't believe that home life should interfere with work life unless it is not "homemade". Bad things happen we have no control over. Being a drunk doesn't fall into that category. I'm sure you are at work putting yourself on the line everyday no matter what $hit is going on in your life. Your staff should be doing the same. Shame on Amber.

    I love good bread and wish I could safely have it.

    Let's hope your mom is going to listen to you this time. She would be much better off. As a nurse I can tell you that lots of patients in managed care love the social interaction from eating in the dining room with others of their own choosing. My family members who ended up in managed care were revered. Aunt Doris was queen of the nursing home. Dad was the king when he was there for recovery.

  3. (( hugs )) for the looping dreams / thoughts! I have had those periods in life, too. Right now it's more a "too much daylight, too little sleep" cycle. And of course every little thing that happens with the house I start second-guessing, and thinking about when/how to downsize.
