Friday, June 9, 2023

One Quarter of a Century

 …ago today, I gave birth to my one & only (human) son. Still has me shaking my head in mild disbelief sometimes, since I had pledged myself to “Zero Population Growth” Way Back When I was a teenager.

My dad was also a big sci-fi fan, introducing me to Star Trek and authors like Asimov & Bradbury. Many dystopian tales of overpopulation, societal breakdown, “Omega Man”-type survivalist skills… Perhaps that scarred my sensitive lil’ soul? But (not that it would do any good to imagine otherwise) what’s done is done, it’s pointless to speculate What Might Have Been…

I’m sure I’ve laid out my dystopian childbirth story (physically no problems, thank goodness - it was all the emotional/spiritual/psychological warfare waged upon me by Ex & She Who Shall Not Be Named) somewhere in my cyber-journaling, so I’ll not waste any of this precious & beautiful day re-hashing any of it. Z & V made it safely to New Orleans yesterday, even as I was sitting on my hands to avoid harassing them by text - I did receive a couple of photos of Their First Big Road Trip!

I’ll satisfy myself by peeking at his location throughout the day - they’re still at their hotel this AM (I’ve sent my BD text) only a few blocks from the French Quarter. I hope they have an awesome weekend - and at 6:27 PM I will toast both of us! I’m proud of us both for “Never giving up - never surrendering!” (Ten points for the nerdy movie reference)


  1. Awww, Happy Birth-day to you, mom. Stop your cyber spying until you know they are going home and let the kid go.

    1. Hey, I'm thrilled to death that Z still wants to "Share Location" with me, I'm sure eventually he will NOT. I didn't even realize we were still doing that, until I upgraded my phone a few months ago & Z notified me: "Mom! WHERE ARE YOU???"

  2. Happy Personal Mother's Day, Val! And isn't it wonderful when as adults they still look to you for advice?

    As my username might have you guess, I'm also among the "zero population growth" generation... read Silent Spring, The Population Bomb, etc. (as well as being a fellow Trekker!) When my son was your son's age, he was married, and half a world away, and you know what? Motherhood knows no distance limit, as I'm sure you're learning.

    So savor having a great relationship with Z... he'll keep on growing and you'll keep on being a proud mama!

  3. I didn't want any kids either. Ever. Not for altruist reasons like you. I thought most kids were supreme pricks and wanted no part of it. I haven't changed my mind in regards to that much. I thought people who wanted 6 kids were mentally ill. Horny, half-wit sadomasochists. One kid was more than enough for me. My internist doctor, who I worked at the hospital with, demanded that I not have any more. No problem. He nearly came to blows with my obstetrician when my amniotic fluid started leaking and I went into premature labor. My PCP wanted me transferred to Barnes. My OB wanted me to stay and let him deliver my son. My friend who was supervisor of the hospital said she had never seen two doctors fight over a nurse who wasn't their mistress. LOL. She said, "Did you hear the screaming out there? That was about YOU!" PCP came in and said, "I AM TRANSFERRING YOU TO BARNES!!!" .................I had my preemie at Barnes.

    YOU are too much. Have you thought about working for the CIA part time? LOL. You have some skills that are going mostly unused.
