Friday, June 16, 2023


 Representing All The Things going on continues to lumber onwards… I wasn’t sleeping anyway when my HVAC guy called at 6:40 AM to give me a heads-up that his crew was coming out to pick up the AC unit (salvaged from the old clinic, stored in my hay barn these past 9 months).

Insert your metaphor here: am I Indiana Jones fleeing before the boulder, or Brer Rabbit maneuvering through the briar patch?? Gonna take some fancy footwork to keep on a-jugglin’ as these bills start coming due… At least there is one bright spot: Victoria has taken a job which will start next Tuesday, that will relieve part of the pressure.

The rescue folks looped me into their chat group as the Woof Wagon makes its way north - Reva should arrive in Hagerstown today as they drop off a few passengers en route to NH. I do miss that silly girl, even though things are much more peaceful around here without all the growling and posturing. It’s like sending your child off to college - I knew she couldn’t stay here, but I hated to send her away as well. I hope and pray she gets a great placement.

A dull ache remains from the filling I had to get yesterday at the dentist - at least that made it easy to fast! I went to the new girl’s yoga session - I was really proud of myself for that minor accomplishment. Belinda’s sabbatical turned into a permanent absence - they will no longer have Tuesday night yoga, just Thursdays which will be a minor adjustment. $7 sessions are too good a deal to pass up, not letting the perfect be the enemy of the good, etc etc…

I took my mom out to the Red Oak facility that I originally tried to talk her into for another visit yesterday afternoon, but I can’t seem to make her understand that it’s not “that” much more expensive than what she’s spending now with Sonia’s part-time wages. It would be a much higher level of care - she would be in the facility with a lot more socialization, yet still able to keep her little dog. Sonia is going to Guatemala next month to visit her family, so adjustments will need to be made regardless “as if I don’t have enough to do”!

I don’t care WHAT happens - I’m still leaving to go to my New Mexico ride which has been cut down to three days, but three days is better than nothing.


  1. So glad that Victoria is working again!!! And glad the A/C is going to go in! Progress! Let's hope you will get back on your feet financially soon.

    I hope your mom moves to Red Oak. It would be nice to get another nice thing on your pile as well as Victoria getting a job, and your A/C being installed.

    Not sure what pet Reva was but I worked with a woman named Reva and she was not my favorite co-worker. LOL. Her husband was good looking and nice but she slept with 2 of the doctors where we worked. She wasn't really nice looking just brazenly easy. LOL. Let's hope your former Reva is better. LOL.

    Yep, you need to pencil in the yoga and rides, just like they are appointments with your sanity.

    Loved the meme!! Hilarious. I might do almost all of it, other than the coffee and sleeping with the ex. Totally disgusting thought. EWWWW! LOL.

    1. Reva is my SIL from H1, we still keep in touch even though she lives in NYC. I love her to pieces so making Reva the Rottweiler her namesake was a tribute! She is my unofficial baby sis

    2. I liked all of my exes relatives better then him. Especially his mom, grandma, and one of his twin brothers.

  2. I hope Reva ends up in a wonderful new home, fur-ever! One situation at a time, life is resolving itself. Here's crossing fingers for Victoria's new job, your mom's decision about her living situation, and everything.

    (( hugs ))

    p.s. I kept in touch with my ex's sister through her death. I loved that woman, like a true sister!
