Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Bare Minimum Housekeeping

 …as in, I am fed, animals are fed, kitchen is reasonably clean as I try to overlook the dust bunnies & floating drifts of pet hair (“The housekeeper is coming Wed”). My one minor chore accomplished: changing my sweaty bedsheets! after probably well over 2 wks. Does anyone use the term “slattern” anymore? I apply to myself in the sense of anti-Martha Stewart, not in a sexual promiscuity sense…

I “gave away” another weekend, hauling a short distance to stand by as emergency treatment vet at my friend’s competitive trail event. (I’ve done this for her for three years now) NATRC (North American Trail Ride Conference) is the sister sport of endurance; many riders compete in both disciplines so I am warmly welcomed - they keep trying to draw me over, but it’s just a little too regimented for me! It’s called the “horse show in the woods” as participants are judged on how they keep their camp, how they handle their horse, and then every other aspect of their horsemanship as they ride past obstacles on the trail. I cringed inwardly as I mentally compared these riders’ immaculate gear to my own well-worn, sweat-encrusted equipment. They even manage to keep their clothing clean for the most part!


Everyone was in a hurry to get things wrapped up Sunday afternoon so we could head home ahead of forecasted bad weather - fortunately, most of it seem to pass to the north of us. I got home shortly after 3 PM - I should’ve gone to check on my mom and then by Mesquite to check on Zach’s animals but I did not since the weather warnings kept beeping and buzzing! I called it ”enforced leisure”.

Still like feel like I’m behind the eight ball a bit this morning, but got to get on with things.


  1. I settle for bare minimum a lot. Saves sanity when things are out of control. Not going to sweat the small stuff. My maternal grandma taught me that.

    I love Martha Stewart. I would certainly like to be surrounded by beauty and order if I were rich like her and could pay others to do the work. She is probably around 80 now and still attractive and relevant. I might consider being sexually promiscuous too if I were 80 and attractive and in demand. I certainly would not be looking for marriage in her position. I have not been an "altar boy" myself. Mother Theresa will not be dethroned by me. LOL.

    Keeping my clothing clean is practically impossible for me. I avoid formal events as much as possible due to that. It would actually be more important to me that my horse be pretty than me. LOL. Baraq is very sexy.

    So glad the bad weather missed you. Did us too though we did have some wind and a bunch of limbs to get rid of.

    1. I felt compelled to look it up - Martha is 81, good for her! Amazing how well wealth can insulate one, isn't it??
      I look for beauty externally rather than in a mirror, so I'm posting a couple of photos from the C-Bar. (Baraq is my idea of sexay too ;-)

  2. Sometimes it has to be "just the essentials". Martha can always hire the help, most of us ordinary folk cannot, at least not very often if we do.

    My great-niece has taken up riding, and has an Arabian named "Mando" (as in the Mandalorian) that is growing in sport with her. Her mom (my niece) is always posting videos of her lessons, which of course lift the heart, and even of the little girl and her horse going trick-or-treating together...

    They live several states away from me (in Utah) so my only exposure to this joy is those videos and I'm so happy for them. That human-equine connection is special, as is the human-canine or human-feline one.

    Glad you're safe from storms (one day at a time on that one, these days) and hope you stay that way.

  3. Wow, the flower fields are pretty!
    Whose idea was it that all homes need to be spotless? I'm the cleaning lady in my house and as long as the kitchen counters are free from crumbs and the bathrooms are clean, the dust can stay until the sun shines on it and I notice it. I'm tired of judgment by others.
