Monday, April 10, 2023

Weakness vs Strength

 I don’t want this to turn into a Misery Calculator of Val’s Troubles (physical, personal, professional) but I do want to notate this peculiar period in my Progression of Long Covid:

I started the new “Spike Protein” supplement (basically 4-in-1, trying to reduce number of little bottles on my bathroom counter) about 3 wks ago. For the past 7-10 days, I have had the strange sensation of “heaviness” in my legs, worse with the R leg - with intermittent pains localized in shin, thigh, & hip (large muscle groups). On multiple occasions I’ve had to take ibuprofen or Tylenol (I’ve been alternating ‘em) at night to help me sleep. I am stiff & painful when I start moving, and warm up out of it to a certain extent - but certainly prefer to be stationary for the most part! (Most of my research on long Covid centers the vital importance of “rest” - not overdoing it - so I am also becoming a master of pacing)

I got up Saturday feeling rather rough, but forced myself to get out and meet my friend Sam for a short ride. Gray and gloomy in the morning, the sun came out in the afternoon and gave us a beautiful day. I don’t know if I’ve got it in me to plod through 25 miles next weekend but by God, I’m gonna try!

I also managed to put a fairly decent spread for Easter dinner on my table - my son had requested home cooking. I bought a pre-cooked brisket but did scalloped potatoes, green bean casserole, glazed carrots, & deviled eggs. Bought a pecan pie & made a new lemon tart recipe with P in mind. 

I even managed to get my mom out for the entire afternoon, which has been unprecedented for her even though she was fretting about leaving her little dog at home - Abby doesn’t like to travel!

But now I’ve got to continue to pace myself carefully to get through this busy workday; it was a sweaty, restless night. It’s weird because I go to bed slightly chilled but then spend the rest the night sweating and flinging the covers off and on like some sort of demented fan dancer.


  1. I assume you are taking turmeric. If not I highly recommend it. Hubby also takes it. He is usually skeptical of most supplements but this makes him feel better. It's great for inflammation. Plus I take vitamin d and magnesium twice a day. Other things too but those are the ones I KNOW are essential. My doctor agrees. Plus I break my exercise up into small increments. I don't sit longer than 20 minutes at a time. Try to move for 10 minutes at a time or at least 10 minutes of every hour most of the day.

    I am so glad to see you still riding. Just keep trying.

    I hope things are improving on the work front.

    Easter dinner looked and sounded great. So glad your mom came and Z too. We had candied ham with pineapple, herb roasted new potatoes, seasoned peas, carrot salad, deviled eggs, biscuits, black olives, kalamata olives, bread and butter pickles, lemon cookies, and key lime pie.

  2. I have taken tumeric intermittently (WTH, I'll pick up another bottle at my next visit to the health food store!), but new supplement is nattokinase, green tea extract, sea moss extract, and dandelion extract. It seems to be doing "something"; I'm just anxious to climb out of this latest trench & get to feeling better!

    1. Benny drinks tons of green tea. I have tried it and it is gaggy but it is a great supplement. I can tell when I forget my turmeric but then I have had arthritis since I was 38.

  3. One thing I'll say for you, Val, you keep on punching! And sometimes that's the best any of us can do. Hope your week goes well and whatever remedies you are trying work for you.
