Wednesday, April 12, 2023

The Power of Yin

 Last night my butt was still draggin’, but I forced myself to drive into Ennis for Tues-night yoga…

I could subtitle this "How the Mighty Hath Fallen" since Tues night USED to be Power Yoga with Master Bruce. But slower-paced Yin Yoga has its own benefits: "Yin Yoga is slow-paced style of yoga as exercise, incorporating principles of traditional Chinese medicine, with asanas (postures) that are held for longer periods of time than in other styles."

I told myself all I had to do was show up: if I needed to, I could take child’s pose (which is always advised as a resting posture). Fortunately we stayed on the floor, concentrating on hips, shoulders, and lower back. My stomach grumbled throughout class, and I decided I wanted tortilla soup for my belated dinner. By the time I limped on home (quick stop at Tractor Supply for supplemental feed), I was feeling the effects of this minor day of exertion - I had also made a quickie gym visit over my lunch hour; my goal is to make a habit of that again.

I took some ibuprofen with my bedtime supplements and actually got some decent sleep. This morning I feel “looser”, more relaxed & less stiff n’ creaky than I am most days. And I don’t feel such a sense of doom as I contemplate today's To Do list! Guess I did get some endorphins flowing. If anything gets me back into my regular exercise habits, I need to refer to this blog entry. For years I’ve depended on my “3-legged stool” of diet, exercise, and adequate sleep to keep my depression & anxiety at bay - as I visualize a bright ray of hope, as brilliant as this morning’s sunshine.

I should be able to get one more ball python shipped to her new home (cyber-friend in NC), go by to feed fish & rodents, and do welfare checks on the rest of the reptiles remaining in Mesquite. Z has 2 tests coming up, so once again I won’t pressure him. My “living arrow” must fly his own way as he negotiates the quicksand of Modern Romance (dramatic cycles with his GF are not my problem! I’m happy to lend a listening ear, offer some advice if he’ll take it, but a lot of things Mom can no longer fix these days)

                                                   I know I’ve posted this before, an old fave!
                                                        Isn’t she a beauty?


  1. I absolutely LOVE the poem "On Children". It's such a good reminder for all of us!

    Sounds like the gentle yoga helped, the world looks so much brighter when well rested.

  2. I am a firm believer in exercise. It has saved my sanity many times. It is one of my most important tools in my tool box. The reason why I still get around as well as I do when I have had severe forms of arthritis since I was 38 is due to knowing when to move and when to rest. I had such an awesome orthopedist. My hubby doesn't understand the importance of exercise. His oncology doctor does.

    Sleep is also another really good tool to have in your tool box. I work hard at getting enough sleep. My hubby doesn't understand the need for it.

    Yes, the final step in parenting is encouraging them to leave the nest. Ours left in 2011 for a life in the city. He still sends cards.

    The snake reminds me of a orange creamsicle. LOL.
