Sunday, June 9, 2024


 I know I’ve recounted Z’s birth story in my past blogging, but obviously that was part of my Spark People blogs that I didn’t manage to preserve. I have skimmed lots of advice columns & social-media forums over the years, but have yet to find anything which matched the cruelty and arrogance of my ex-husband. He invited his girlfriend (of course he was still vociferously denying she was a girlfriend: she was his “friend” and “coach”) to the birth of his son. Excuse me, I thought the mother was the one who warranted a coach?!? My own mother couldn’t be there since I was restricted to 2 non-medical personnel at my bedside. Even typing it out now, it’s unbelievably effed-up - in retrospect I should’ve found my spine and kicked them BOTH out, but I was still following my Gandhi-like path of taking the high road on the remote chance that my marriage might be salvageable. (Insert your armchair diagnoses of PTSD & Stockholm Syndrome here)

At any rate, I don’t want to dwell on the past today - unfortunately, Victoria brought back the plague (Covid) from her bachelorette trip and has now infected Zach. He went to urgent care for his Paxlovid yesterday so I hope I can at least drive by today, hurl his gifts through the front door, and blow him a kiss… Upside: we’ll be able to attend Karen & William’s granddaughter’s 3rd BD blowout this afternoon; she shares her BD w/Zach so I have no legitimate excuse for ever forgetting it! Karen forbid me to buy her toys (“she has plenty”) but no power on earth can stop me from buying her some cutesy baby-girl clothes! I have an old picture of Zach wearing one of my dance recital costumes when he was about three years old - cross-dressing him was fun and in no way insinuated that he “felt like a girl”, no matter how many jokes I made about wishing he was a horse-crazy little girl instead of a war-mongering boy. 

Downside: ain’t nobody got time to be sick around here, but I’m upping my supplement game and taking a little ivermectin just in case. From the looks of things I will know by the middle of next week if I’ve been exposed.  I’ve got a mild headache this morning but I blame that on oversleeping and not getting my coffee down the hatch as quickly as I normally do - we’re out of cream but we all must make sacrifices, I suppose. Couldn’t find the dance recital picture, but I did find a couple of cute baby pictures:

        For Zach’s first Halloween,  one of my employee’s mothers made him an adorable bull-calf costume 

Not-quite present day (last August actually; I don’t recall what occasion we were celebrating?)


  1. Happy Birthday and smooth healing to Zach, and preventive finger crossings for you to avoid having caught it! I don't know if you remember OverworkedJanet from Spark days, but I need to check in on her, as he son in law and daughter brought it back from a trip, too. It's not done with us, but I hope it's milder than back in the early days!

    Hang in there!

    1. Oh yeah, 0J still comments here and I try to do the same for her - thanks for reminding me, I need to surf by her blog… Many pearls of good advice have been spread before this swine by Janet😉

  2. Aww, Happy Birthday Zach. I remember when he was a lot younger...still in high school when I met up with you. Time flies. Covid this time for me was not so bad on the front end; achy, low grade fever for a day, snowing tissues. What's kicking me and DH is the fatigue. I could sleep for days and it's now starting the third week since positive test. At least I'm here to complain about it.

  3. You can say a lot of things about your ex but he certainly has some big balls to drag this slut into the middle of your child's birth. OMG!! And, to be honest, the slut is the one's with the biggest cojones. What woman in her right mind would do this? Such a tacky "B"!

    Poor Victoria and Zach. Way too much non-stop Covid. I'm sick of it. So hope you are spared!

    Happy Birthday to Zach and to my son Ian, born on the same day.
