Monday, June 17, 2024

Reward vs Punishment

 Again, another rehashed title but I’m short on time as well as imagination here…

Not to mention I’ve just wasted about 10 minutes trying to find an actual photo of the facility where Zach is starting his new job TODAY! with the City of Dallas. Obviously the city doesn’t publicize nitty-gritty photos of “how the sausage is made” or, in this case, “how the residues are disposed of” even though this is a vital public service. In this modern world, everyone expects clean water to flow from the taps, the lights to come on when you flip a switch on the wall, and all our household appliances to work on schedule (lemme tell ya, I have gained a new appreciation for the simple washing machine)

That aerial view of the facility is the closest I could get - Zach will be in the water chemistry lab, which is one of the buildings near the front. He will get to operate a wide variety of machines, so his experience will be much broader;  at Quest he would’ve been primarily working with one of their large blood chemistry analyzers.

In celebration, I went ahead and pulled the trigger on that quarter horse tattoo I have contemplated for decades now, ever since I was competing with dear ol’ Quigley.  Of course I’ll post a photo when some of the redness fades away, but it’s Orren Mixer’s ideal horse portrait in B & W. It took the nice young man almost 5 hours and I have a new appreciation for the art created on human flesh!

So I’m stiff and sore this morning, partially from the immobility and also from the Italian food Peran & I  indulged in last night in a low-key Father’s Day celebration.

(Zach should be working in that red brick building in the upper left-hand corner; this is the best street-level view I could find) Mom will just have to cruise by herself at some point to get better photos!


  1. What a wonderful day to start a new job! Congrats, mama, your boy made it to this day. May his career be long and successful. We NEED people in jobs like this!

  2. I had 2 close friends who worked at a similar job here. Extremely important work!!
