Tuesday, June 18, 2024

His Father’s Son

 Yesterday was “just another Manic Monday” - my feet were killing me by midday, & I wound up with about 15 minutes for a lunch break. I’d like to think I did the world a lot of good, between a rescue dog spay, a routine cat spay, cancer surgery on a beloved old Labrador, and a dental which does so much to improve quality of life in the older pet, but once again I staggered home to collapse in my recliner for most of the evening. These days it seems like a miserable way to live/survive. 

I skim social media (I know, I know - pro tip, I need to just keep away!) to see my friends traveling, RIDING, doing fun stuff with their kids which is discouraging when I feel as if I’m barely keeping my nose above those figurative turbulent floodwaters. On Thursday, I’ve got to go give my deposition at the attorneys’ office in this damn car accident lawsuit case which drags on forever. The trial is now set for next February which will be more than three years after the actual accident. It seems beyond ridiculous that I have had to secure my own legal representation to defend myself in an accident which was ruled 100% not my fault, but such is our system. My greedy neighbor found his own ambulance-chaser and has dollar signs in his eyes.

But I checked my son’s location this morning and he is again at work well before his 7:30 AM start time. I’m so proud of him - obviously, he’s got more of his fathers get-up-&-go than I do at this point. He called me yesterday afternoon after Day 1, full of anticipation and excitement. I wish I could’ve met him somewhere for a celebratory beverage, but he promised me dinner at the end of the week.

My darling Athena is growing like a weed - 417 grams!


  1. I love the "inspiration" post above! It's so true... there is a great deal of satisfaction in feeling one made the world even a little better place for others. I was on the receiving end today, as my daughter in law stepped up to be my "responsible person" for my colonoscopy. All's well, I'm home, and she's home, too, duty discharged. I feel so blessed in my son's choice of a life-partner!

    Now to make sure I'm paying it back, too!

  2. I also like "Inspiration". I think I spent the first half of my life accepting all those gifts and one day woke up to realize I needed to give the same to others, falling on the word's meaning of being creative. It feels a lot better!
    The other meaning, taking a breath, came at about the same time. I probably took stock of what was good and not-so, and made that change.
    You've been trying to keep up and catch up to all that's been going on in your life and YOU need to take that breath. Maybe ditch the recliner, and the social media, and sit outside and watch the stars for a while. Allow yourself to do that and don't think of the rest of your world for about 10 minutes. Breathe.

  3. Recently I have been locked out of your blogs and other sites so I hope I can respond now.

    You definitely do make a difference. Life is exhausting for me right now too. I just make it a day at a time.

    Your neighbor is a creep for proceeding with this lawsuit. Some of mine are too.

    Loved hearing about Zach's enthusiasm, love Athena, loved the "Inspiration".
