Thursday, June 20, 2024

Business Casual

 … is the recommendation from my attorney when I drive up north (Frisco) to give my deposition about “the nightmarish auto accident that never ends” this morning. It is absolutely Kafka-esque that I have had to retain my own attorneys to countersue/protect myself when **I** am the person who was seriously injured and spent the day in the ER. Of course it’s a lot of time, effort, and aggravation to go through this -  what I absolutely cannot afford is to be forking out money to personal injury attorneys, but luckily they are working on contingency!

Good thing I am not an attorney, because I really don’t see how they’re gonna cover their costs unless they really stroke the post-traumatic stress and emotional turmoil from this. I do have the report from the Head Trauma Center that my short-term memory/recall is adversely impacted, but who’s to say how much of that is from the TBI and how much is long Covid? I’m sure those are the points the other attorneys are going to argue, since all my recent medical visits are categorized under long Covid symptomatology.

Oh well, as I said the important thing is I couldn’t afford to pay their invoice even if they submit one to me. Let’s just hope it all shakes out in their legal arguments - while it would be nice to think that I earn a small chunk of change from my injuries, I’m not counting on it. The ludicrousness of the whole situation just keeps spinning in my head - it also occurred to me at 2 AM that perhaps the accident was also the pivot point in Peran & my’s relationship: that’s when he moved into the upstairs bedroom, after all, and hasn’t been downstairs since?? 

But for a spot of good news, I swung by Irving on my trek home yesterday afternoon and was able to give Zach his long-overdue birthday presents, for which he thanked me kindly. He liked the shirts although I may have to exchange them for a larger size (he’s gonna try them on). He is thrilled beyond belief with his new job: he likes the facility (he’s got his own office), he likes his supervisors, he likes his coworkers. I’m so happy for him. He looked tired because the new schedule is an adjustment, but he’s not even complaining about the early morning hours - that leaves him plenty of daylight to pursue other things: for instance, if he decides to go back to work on his master’s degree. We grabbed a quick bite at the Chinese joint, but he promised me a celebratory dinner this weekend. I will plan accordingly!

Athena now weighs in at a sturdy 417 grams & swallows her favorite green peas whole!


  1. Sorry for all the angst around that long-ago accident, and I hope it all gets resolved with the least possible hassle. That's great news that Zach is so happy with the new job. I described my first post-graduation from college job as "it's as though I died and went to heaven". It was amazing to work at a place where they immediately accepted and listened to what I had to say, based on my education!

    And Athena is looking healthy and happy! Onward!

  2. Turtles are cool!
    Sorry about all the angst. I had an accident related suit in the mid '70's and swore I'd never do it again unless someone died. The process was so convoluted. Good luck to you.

  3. I certainly hope that this is not the cause of your and Peran's problem.

    So happy for Zach!

    I love peas too.
