Thursday, June 13, 2024

The Reluctant Friend

 It’s either Day 5 or Day 7 of my potential Covid exposure, depending on how you wanna count things. (I saw Zach last Thursday which was before he got sick - that was the day Victoria went to urgent care) Zach broke with illness on Saturday and stayed well out of arm’s reach when Mom was delivering - ??? Must not have been that vital; I can’t even remember what I was taking him besides the registration sticker for his car…

I’ve had some weird headaches which I am writing off more to atmospheric changes and stress than Covid - everything else with me seems to be the same ol’, same ol’! Things are running at their normal hectic pace at the clinic - I’ve got to go change the bed linens in the horse trailer and sweep it out since my friend is coming down from Arkansas for me to work on her little dog’s ear. I had to run into town last night to the laundromat to wash said linens because our washing machine has given up the ghost. I’m waiting for the Home Depot delivery man now, but I didn’t want to cut it that close. She may regret her choices when I inform her that the AC is non-operational in the horse trailer, but I’ll take her out a fan. It’s getting fairly warm and humid around here but it should be tolerable for one night, we generally have a decent breeze up here on top of the hill. Beggars can’t be choosers after all!

I need to get moving but it’s certainly cozy when Izzy settles herself on my lap

I hope Zach feels well enough to go with me this afternoon to pick up an upgraded habitat for Mila the Burmese python. I want to use her old habitat for Claude the beaded lizard since the homemade wooden box she’s living in is water-damaged - I couldn’t even get one of the doors open last night. Zach has stars in his eyes about getting a huge custom-made enclosure for Mila which would be great, but it’s something neither one of us can afford right now.

Jaime will just have to settle herself in and wait for my return - on Saturday, by God, I plan on riding! New Mexico is now exactly one month away and Dr M confirmed  she will be able to work for me.


  1. Whew! Glad Dr. M came through for you. My son had "something" that did not test positive for Covid, but sidelined him from Friday 'til yesterday. No fun, no matter what it turns out to have been. I had not been in contact, instead dealing with the upheaval of making things better all at once!

    Hope your weekend ride is a good one!

  2. I hope you avoid the Covid. We certainly could have avoided a year round bug.

    Where I live sleeping outside in summer can be very challenging due to heat and humidity but we did it as tent campers with a fan plenty when we were younger.

    I need a new washing machine or mine fixed.

    So glad you will be able to make the New Mexico ride! Enjoy your ride!
