Monday, June 3, 2024

99 Lead Balloons

 …a fitting description of my mood. My sitch is improved over what it was a few short months ago, but far from where I’d like to be: financially, physically, emotionally, environmentally!!

Was it in February (pre-BD blues) when I set the mini-goal for myself: you’ve gotta see this through to your son’s graduation? I’ve managed to slog through but now I need a new goal. Gotta finish the remodeling (as you can imagine, I. Am. SO! Damn. Tired of it!!!), get my X-Ray machine re-installed (I am again, exhausted from having to explain to clients that no, we still don’t have radiographic capability), find another relief vet: Dr M has to take her husband back to MD Anderson at the end of this month for evaluation of a “spot” in his pelvic canal - of course, if intensive treatment & nursing duties commence, I will lose her help. Kristy’s mom’s ongoing battle with lung cancer continues - a tumor treated with radiation last year has begun to grow again; the only option will be removal of that lung lobe. And Misti’s FIL was hospitalized for a coronary blockage that almost led to renal shutdown! She has to take off this afternoon because she’s got to take her daughter to the orthodontist while her husband picks up his dad from the hospital. We’ll be even more shorthanded again today because Amber‘s grandmother is dying.

Fun never stops round here, does it??!!??

And my son circled back around to give me more grief on the Jeremy situation** yesterday, threatening to “distance himself” because he doesn’t understand my reasoning. Oh please, Brer Fox, don’t throw me in that briar patch! I’ve only been trying to usher Zach into adult independence for the past eight years - sternly lecturing myself to finish sawing through that gnarled umbilical cord. It was strange, because he was absolutely fine on Saturday when we met up for alfresco ramen - I had been bracing myself for a lecture then?!? 

** I’ve been practicing my own version of “charity begins at home”, helping the young man who was my lawn guy and then a temporary caretaker of the Mesquite house where I let him live rent-free for several months since he was helping me get the place straightened up and ready to be sold. I don’t think my little prince has any room to criticize me after dumping that fiasco in my lap.

And now my phone won’t even let me transfer photos since “my storage is full”, but maybe I’ll get that straightened out later also - just add it to Val‘s things to do list!

                                   At least Aphrodite is doing very well - getting hissier!

This, of course, is directly related to my ex-husband - but my son has inherited a few of his traits unfortunately!


  1. Unfortunately, re-combinant DNA works that way. My son has a few of his father's traits, too. I choose to focus on the good ones he inherited from each of us, and avoid thinking too much about the bad ones he got from us!

    Sending vibes of strength and hope your way for the next "mile through the swamp". And Aphrodite looks amazingly healthy. Happy reptile-mothering!

  2. Good grief!! Things are really getting to be challenging at work for you with all of that going on. Enough to drive anyone up the wall.

    Zach needs to chill. I think he owes you an apology over this entire house ordeal. Not a lecture. You have been tolerant, patient, and kind with him. He certainly got the right mother because my son would not have the balls to lecture me about anything. Just remember that he is still a young man, basically just an older teen in mindset, who didn't have a decent father to set and example for him. Men are always fairly stupid until they are 30 and then some of them stay that way. I don't think Zach will.

    Aphrodite is certainly cute. One of our local raccoons hisses a lot so we named her Hisser. She would probably prefer to have a nice name like Athena or Minerva.
