Monday, April 1, 2024

No Foolin’

 My not-so-new reality: I will generally awaken between 2 - 4 AM (I always hope for earlier bcz it’s easier for me to get back to sleep). My sleep stats via the FitBit average 1 hour of “awake” time overnight. If I’m lucky, I won’t hear DH’s snores echoing from upstairs (which I did Sat night; fortunately I could sleep in an extra hour on Easter Sunday)

Speaking of which, whom do I petition about this so-called “holiday”??!!?? I spent a few hours in the kitchen Saturday**, prepping my holiday-meal foods: fried cabbage & glazed carrots, then went ahead & cooked the rib roast Sat night. The final plans wound up being for me to bring my mom to church in Irving for 11 AM services, then convene at Victoria’s GP’s for Easter dinner.

**also devoted some badly-needed time to straightening up my dining room, on the offhand chance we would use it (we did not, but since we do NOT utilize it on a daily basis, it had been used as an auxiliary storage area!) I almost dragged P in there for our Sat-night dinner, but I found “The Ten Commandments” on TV, so wound up staying in the living room…

So Easter Sunday was kind of a major production, since I had to load up the food in my car (desserts & side dishes), go pick up my mom (transferring everything to her car since that’s what she’s comfortable riding in), drive to Irving, etc etc. Mom seemed to enjoy herself, but cannot carry on ordinary conversations with her combination of mild confusion & poor hearing. She was repeating herself a lot, but dug into her enchiladas with great vigor. (Easter dinner: Adela made her famous fried chicken, plus enchiladas/rice/beans/guacamole. I brought deviled eggs, cabbage, carrots, chocolate cake, apple pie & baklava) I took a couple of photos which I shall download later - this morning I’ve got to get on with it as Dr M’s aging German Shepherd has a splenic tumor I’ve got to remove.

General busy-ness & fatigue = no riding, but planning for next weekend. My friend Carla buried her mother Friday; I was able to pop by for the graveside service but couldn’t go into town afterwards. Carla was gonna stay with her poor frail father (94) this weekend.

                                   Harvesting fresh peppers (Apache variety is A+!)  for salsa

                      Victoria tagged Z with the cascarone (confetti egg); zoom in on hair


  1. Confetti everywhere! Looks as though Z was a good sport about it, though. Lovely family gathering, and yes, it was a lot of work. Older sis and I went to church with her gentleman friend, then out to brunch... no bg production. Sis and I have been doing Easter this way for many years, and we think it beats the way we used to celebrate Easter in younger years. Age -> Wisdom?

    Anyway, another holiday in the books... onward!

    (( hugs ))

    1. I realized I misspoke - those are "Apache" chili peppers not Aztec!!! I enjoy cooking when I have A.) the time as well as B.) the energy - in this case it was marginally less work than wrangling my mom in her transport chair as well as V's grandma who is still gamely struggling along on a walker, to brave the crowds at a restaurant.

  2. P must be quite a snorer. Benny does fairly well too sometimes and I can't stand it. I have encouraged him to use methods to help nip it in the bud but men usually love to snore. They are dumb enough to think it means they are sleeping well while being monitored by an irate mate when most likely they just have sleep apnea and/or may be getting ready to be suffocated by their roommate soon. The dirt-bags!

    Nice Easter meal but most likely now that Z has a significant other you will be in the "never go there box" for holidays like other mothers of males. The female's parents, grandparents, aunts, cousins thrice removed trump the grooms family in every way. I think there should be an official holiday for parents of the groom. Maybe call it "The Other Family" or the "Forgotten Ones". We did not do that with our families. We had a sense of fairness and decency unheard of today. So we had to drive to one family for lunch and one for supper. Miles and miles to go before we slept. Since my parents were divorced I would have had 3 to go to but we were usually not invited to dad's "other family" - Me being the black sheep of the family for having been born in the wound of an undesirable. At least you were invited - most of us are not which speaks well for you. You are not the product of a nasty "wound". Stand up straight and be proud!

    Our whole house is a storage unit and I am working on putting a stop to that.

    Love the "Ten Commandments" though I was a little disappointed in "Moses" later in his life. I wanted him to be like the real dude. Quietly religious. Get the tablets. Stay out of controversial issues. Remain superhuman.

    You mom sounds like Benny. We would have spent Easter, or the day after in E.R., but he refused to go. He can't even hear his own self think, if he can think any more, but he would also love a good enchilada, fried chicken, rice, beans, deviled eggs, cabbage, carrots, chocolate cake, apple pie, baklava, and beef roast though his sense of taste has been destroyed by the chemo. I was well enough to make a simple meal or we would have ended up at a charity Easter meal if they still have any.

    That poor German Shepard and Carla. I feel for them and the family of both.

    I hope you get back to riding soon. Great pictures!

    1. Honestly it seems (from my POV) that Z has transferred his sense of loyalty/obligations to V's GP's partially out of guilt related to his own GP's. My folks were of tremendous help to me when Z was an infant/toddler/child (don't want to think how I could've managed without 'em), but by the time my dad entered his final decline, Z had left for college & gotten involved with First Serious GF. In my eyes there's no blame to be apportioned here, even if I would appreciate him dropping in to see his grandma more often.

    2. Totally agree with what you said. Hopefully Z isn't experiencing guilt over having to grow up and move on with his life at a time when his grandparents were in decline. You were, and still are there, for your parent(s). My parents were much more supportive to us than Benny's grandparents were but my mom lived closer. Benny's parents let us know they were also there if and when we needed them. My parents didn't wait to be asked because we were not into that but they just saw needs and met them without much fanfare. Dad bought us a tool box for one. But I do still think that both parents of married children should get equal time.
