Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Miles to Go Before I Sleep

 I’m trying to avoid dwelling on the fact that the highlight of my day is often the time I tuck myself in between the sheets to have another valiant try at a good night’s rest. Last night was fairly decent with merely one potty break and my normal “hourly tolls” - brief awakenings at 4, 5 & 6 AM. Peran was up shortly after six, however, so I listened to his footfalls upstairs until he finally came downstairs to sit on the couch with his coffee about 6:30. I got up at 7:00.

I am lucky to have Dr. M today; she had actually mis-remembered when they were going out of town (it’s actually next month). I’ve got a lot to do to finish packing & loading for this weekend’s fun event. What I normally pack into the extra stall in the trailer (hay/feed/buckets etc) has to be arranged in the bed of the truck like a Tetris puzzle alongside the lawn chairs & other camping gear. I’ll also take the mini firepit that I bought for Peran several years ago which I don’t think he has ever used. I believe there will be a food truck at the ride but I’ll swing by the store to get sandwich stuff and snacks…

I’ll have to trust the care home to take care of my mother - a new nurse stopped by yesterday who has big plans to do some occupational & physical therapy with her. I wish her the best of luck!

I ordered some new herbal supplements with the hope it might help - I had never posted in my herbalism group but I got some sweet replies from the hippies, ha ha!


  1. I also consider that the highlight of my day can often be a good night's sleep. It is so important. Or getting some gently exercise in. A day without hurting. Eating food that satisfies me. A bonus if it is nourishing too. A day without drama. Peace and quiet. No messes to clean up. Working appliances. At 71 years old with a hubby with terminal metastatic cancer. Little things matter.

    You are an excellent host! I will send a prayer for safe rides and good weather. Fun for all.

    I have personally had great success with difficult patients like your mom. According to my last male and female bosses. I am good at taming the savage beast. Maybe this nurse is a good lion tamer. Let's hope and pray about that too.

    I used to use hawthorne instead of BP meds. Beware - this is one herb that actually works. Like digatalis. I highly recommend turmeric. I take it every day and can tell when I forget. Hubby decided to take it too. It's the real deal. At the top of the heap, in my humble opinion.

    1. Things haven't really changed that much for me, in the sense that "way back when" I was a fresh young veterinarian who had to arrange her precious-few weekends off in order to attend rides - I seemed to be "living for those weekends". It is much the same today - I'm sure we'll have a nice campout, let's hope for minimal drama with the ride so lots of good memories may be generated! Afterwards I will haul over to John's folks' farm where we will continue our family festivities where John is building his weekend getaway for his family (a barndominium)
      I have heard many good anecdotal reports on hawthorne - my BP is fine, I'm using it to regulate my erratic heart rate/weird discomfort in my chest... Need to restock my turmeric!

    2. It is nice to be focused enough to know what you want to do if and when you have time to do it. I feel scattered in that regard and when I have free time I feel I should spend it working on things that NEED to get done. Ugh. Your weekend sounds fun.

      Hawthorne is one herb that actually worked for me. We buy turmeric in the gigantic bottles. LOL.

  2. Sleep is a blessing! Ember is down to one overnight potty break, and I get one at the same time. So far, this streak has lasted... 📆ONE night. It was close the previous night. I'm gradually increasing the sleepy bye time based on her holding capacity/tolerance. So many lessons to learn!

    Hope your FUN event is exactly that! Safe driving, hauling, and riding to you! (( hugs )) - Barb OKM
