Monday, April 15, 2024

One Accomplishment

 (No snappy title comes to mind as I sit here groggily with my coffee, but hopefully something will occur to me before I finish my rambling account)

Obviously I’m posting so I’m home safely - actually everything went exceptionally well; the weather was perfect, the ponies were well-behaved and I think John’s kids had a good ride (especially Tyra). Joseph will need a more comfortable pair of riding britches since he found out the hard way that blue jeans (despite what you may have seen in innumerable Westerns) are not the most comfortable pants to ride in! He spent most of the second half of our ride asking Alex to walk - she is used to our normal pace, which is a medium jog-trot. Most of the mud had dried up and it was a heartbreakingly beautiful spring day in NE Texas. Khristin had a good turnout with 18 riders** signed up for the 75 miler - one of my friends got about 50 miles in but had to pull when her mare cut her heel, she thinks in one of the ponds? Just another spot of bad luck, I’m grateful none of it touched us. After the ride we packed up and headed about 35 miles north to where John is building his barndominium on a corner of his parents’ property. John is a meticulous craftsman and it will be a great retreat in the woods when he finishes.

** I stand corrected: 16 entries in the 75 with 13 finishers

Had a nice visit/dinner with Joe and Margie (John’s parents), who served as my refuge and retreat in my late teens when I was coming off my bad high school romance. More of a big bro/SIL relationship since they’re about 10 years older than me… camped out one more night in John’s’s pasture, then I had to load up and come home to the real world yesterday. Found my mom complaining that her arm hurts, but she will not leave the splint on! I have sent a message to home health care; like it or not, we may have to put her in a cast. She’s also misplaced her DirecTV controller but I was able to change channels on the box and found her a comedy movie channel with old John Candy movies. I’ll have to look up those classics “Armed & Dangerous” (John Candy, Eugene Levy, Meg Ryan) & “Who’s Harry Crumb?” You can tell they are 80’s movies because everyone is smoking cigarettes!

I pushed on from there & had a late lunch with my friend Toni. I was hoping for a call back from Zach, but obviously Victoria was off work yesterday (he ultimately didn’t call me until yesterday evening). However, I’m getting ready to receive the best Mother’s Day gift of all time since Zach’s graduation shall be Monday, May 13th. If Dr M can’t cover for me, I’ll just be unavailable that day because we will be celebrating! 

Slowly coming to life as I finish my coffee - I will post a few pictures which should also stroke my ego. It’s always great to accomplish a good deed even wrapped in my own self-interest (ponies ridden, family visit, introducing new riders to my sport) Tyra was especially smitten with Silas, bcz who wouldn’t be? His sole character flaw is the fact that he likes to urinate in the trailer, so I had to shovel that out when I got home.

                                                 This must’ve been the pre-ride safety lecture
                                                             John’s barndominium

                                            This one may be frameable - see rider in background?
                                                        Taking my ducklings out on trail


  1. Yes, blue jeans and horseback riding. Yikes. LOL. I would have never thought to warn anyone about that but I think someone must have told me years ago what to wear back when I was first riding. My parents had their shortcomings but they always seemed to get me out-fitted right for whatever sport I was participating in. I remember the first trail ride I went on and it was a positive experience so I guess someone looked out for me. There were 2 cute boys present who became lifelong friends - the children of my parent's best friends. When they were little they were exceedingly annoying. When they were teens and on horses they were a lot more interesting. LOL.

    Sounds like a wonderful time was had by all. The barncondo is awesome.

    I'm always shocked when I see TV shows and movies where people are puffing away. I hope your mom can heal quickly because she can be quit a pistol.

    Congratulations to Zach!! That is great news!

    Loved the pictures!

  2. Oh, what happy photos from the ride. Love the smiles on Tyra!

    Congrats again to Zach! (reading in reverse order)

  3. I musta developed calluses in all the right places as I aways wore jeans!

    1. The all-important difference is that Tyra was wearing tight-fitting jeans, while Joseph’s were loose & could therefore rub & chafe…
      Of course I wore (tight) jeans when I was a teenager too - but doubt I rode more than 4-5 miles at a time; 60-90 min in the saddle was typical
