Tuesday, February 20, 2024

The Usual Suspects

 …were concentrated in one corner of the living room yesterday morning: the “obstacle course” develops more often in warm weather, when the dogs are sprawled out in various locations across the floor.

(Tulip was on the couch, while Willow was curled up on the massage chair)

But this morning, Izzy is curled up like the little concentrated lap warmer that she is - so cozy to be here with my cup o’coffee! I am trying SO hard to be “mindful” & appreciate each precious moment - I wasn’t awake for too terribly long at 2:30 AM, fretting about today’s challenging surgery (rectal tumor in a beloved “child substitute” poodle). As always, I’ll Do My Best and hopefully things will work out well for Mr Rocky. Yesterday was another challenging Monday, but I was able to sneak away for a lunch hour visit with Karen - we hadn’t been to the Cotton Patch in ages. She is helping her daughter interview attorneys as they brace themselves for the ordeals of family court. Sounds like they are going to select the “aggressive” guy who advertises himself as such, even though Karen didn’t like the fact that he cursed & took the Lord’s name in vain! A $4500 retainer, and $450/hr for any work that exceeds those first 10 hrs.

We rehashed my nightmarish experiences (actually more of a nightmare for poor Zach, even though it was heartbreaking for this mama to live through/witness) as I tried to prep her for the sad reality that, in all likelihood, unless Baby Daddy messes up by getting busted with a DUI or some such**, he will likely be granted every damn bit of the 50/50 custody he threatens Melissa  with (of course with 50/50 custody he does not have to pay child support)

**  strangely enough, Family Court could seem to care less about other convictions - let’s say for assault and battery or other violent offenses - it’s as if they think these men instantly transform into angels when they take possession of their children

I wish I were in a position to help Melissa financially but all I can offer at this point is moral support



  1. The fur babies are a heart warming sight. Great improvement over wall to wall carpet. LOL. You have a full house.

    Karen is doing the right thing. I always go for the un-nice attorney. I'm not paying them to canoodle with my opponent and his/her representative. I expect burnt dead bodies, veins in their teeth. For what attorneys charge they should be exsanguinating their opposition.

    I have been known to curse and take the Lord's name in vain too and I was saved and baptized when I was 8 years old. It helps to join a sect that has eternal security so that you don't have to "out perform" the sinners around you or scream Amen for every occasion. Jesus died on the cross to save me for my sins. Nothing else is required. Good enough is good enough. I can smoke, drink, and dance the hoochie-coo. I'm going to Heaven. Might get a lecture when I get there but I can handle it. And my sect has no Lent. Thank you God! Though I am truly grateful for the Lent fish sandwiches and keep them coming, Lord.

    I find that most men who fight for ANY custody of their kids are just wanting to punish the baby mama. They lose interest eventually unless they are real sickos, like your ex. Advice to Karen's daughter - stop sleeping with scumbags.

    Prayers sent for Mr. Rocky!

  2. I used to have a friend who passed the bar and went into Family Law for a brief period of years. She was saddened by the fact that many of her clients just could not behave themselves, and thus dug themselves into deeper legal woes. And we'd all like to think that parenthood transforms a bad actor, but... often, sadly, no such luck!
