Tuesday, October 31, 2023

One Last Duty to Perform

 (which is a lie - I actually have multiple duties to perform before I bug out for the airport! I just like to quote this line from Star Trek; certainly there must be many worse ways to live then drawing one’s philosophy from Star Trek)

I’ve got to get to work early and fire the damn contractor: the last straw was when he scraped Misti’s new 4Runner and failed to acknowledge it - did he honestly think she wasn’t gonna notice damage to her brand new vehicle??!!??

One of the first problems I brought to his attention was the drainage problem in the front yard… I had a landscape guy install a French drain which was grossly inadequate; last weekend’s monsoon caused some flooding and probably damaged the foot plates of the brand new cabinetry. Marvin was digging out a new drainage ditch and scraped Misti’s hatchback with the bucket of the Bobcat, but left for the day without saying a damn word to anybody. Kristy’s husband Justin has already been going through the building marking many flaws with the blue tape.

This is turning into even more of a shitshow than my worst imaginings, but I’ve still got to crawl on that plane this afternoon. At least I can cuss in this format - I always remember the Spark website’s irritating habit of correcting bad language! 

So my resources are depleted, the contractor has gone tens of thousands of dollars over budget - sounds about right, huh??


  1. Hopefully at this point you will not need a contractor. It is well past due that this project is completed. He may be milking this for all it's worth. Have a safe trip. Hugs.

  2. So sorry about the over budget stuff, Val! Never rains but what it pours! Hope you get some time (and are able) to breathe on the plane to and from. Life goes on! (( hugs ))
