Friday, October 13, 2023

Body Blows

 You know all those uplifting sayings about God only loading on as much as you can bear? I think it’s obvious BS as we got more shocking news last night - P’s younger brother Kenwyn (55) was found deceased in his office by his wife, still dressed in his cycling gear. She didn’t go looking for him immediately because she thought he was still out riding, not that it might’ve made any difference if it was a catastrophic cardiac event. There will probably be an autopsy and they seem to stretch the arrangements out in the UK considerably longer than we do over here. (When P’s parents died, their respective funerals were about a month from their dates of death)

I asked Peran if he planned to hop a plane just to show up for his sister-in-law, nieces and nephew (they had three kids) but he is waiting until we know more… Zach was shocked and tearful - he thought I was calling with tragic news about his grandmother. If it all possible, I want to attend the funeral - we’ll have to see. But when I went to embrace my husband when I got home last night (I had taken Annie back to her owners in Waxahachie), there was nothing there. I even asked him to sleep downstairs but he politely declined. I had stopped by the store to pick up a few tidbits for the trail ride which I obviously won’t be attending this weekend - P did eat the loaf of sourdough rye that I brought home, but declined all my offers to fix anything more substantial.

So off I go to the one constant in my life - work! As I  scroll some social media, looking at Ken‘s visits to concerts and rugby games… this group photo is from 2017 when my mother-in-law fell ill: Ken is at the far end of the table hoisting his glass, Peran’s nose and eyebrows are across from him, and Tristan (their baby brother) is the sour-looking bearded individual in the middle.


  1. I'm so sorry for your family's loss. (((( hugs ))))

  2. I am so sorry to hear this. Sending a hug and a prayer for you, Peran, Zack, and the entire family.
