Monday, August 28, 2023

Drifting Onwards

 Usually I plug in an appropriate title & start typing, but this morning it has floated out of my foggy lil’ head! Yesterday afternoon as I drove home, storm clouds threatened, the temperature dropped 12°, you could smell the moisture in the air - but in the end we got not one precious drop of rain!

My pasture looks like the lunar landscape; we desperately need rain. Scattered pockets of precipitation fell around the Metroplex yesterday but otherwise the blast furnace-type heat wave continues. A few brave souls did a short early morning ride in Lancaster but I didn’t join them because I needed those precious extra moments of additional sleep. Annie has settled in well and seems to have made friends with Scarlett. Baraq didn’t finish his breakfast yesterday which concerned me, but I think he was just listless because of the heat? 

Most of my weekend seemed to be devoted to other projects: Saturday I coaxed my mom into the shower after a 10 day interval. She had another minor fall last Tuesday - fortunately just bruised her wrist but it shook her up, she has hardly set foot outside her room thereafter. My mood is somber as I contemplate the fact I may have waited too long to move her, as she seems unable to enjoy this facility. I called my friend Charles for a reality check - isolated in Rockport as he ages (he’s now 82), he reminds me that my mom has chosen her own misery and there’s not much I can do to influence things at this point.

Saturday afternoon, I met up with Zach so he could show me The Ring. I am tickled to report that jewelry stores still offer layaway plans. It’s an impressive emerald cut, laboratory-grown diamond with encrusted bands (I guess that’s the style these days)- -I started to snap a picture of it but I figured that might be bad luck? So I’m inserting a photo of my friend J’s rings - the wedding band is similar. I don’t see how a working RN can wear such gemstones but all that matters is that Z thinks Victoria will love it. I asked Z  about his timeline for the proposal/presentation of this ring but of course that is months away as he gets it paid for!

And on Sunday afternoon, I was able to see Z again, bearing bribes from Costco (Topo Chico mineral water & protein shakes); I also had been in a cookin' mood, making a big pot of potato soup to tempt my mom's appetite, so I took Z a tub as Peran politely declined.

I wish I could tell you what's up with that man o'mine, as he seems to be trying to subsist on protein shakes himself to battle his regain. The loss of our local gym was a big setback to him, as he can no longer access those weights, and misses the camaraderie of his gym buddies... He still hikes miles up & down our road each & every day. Take it from me, sometimes there is no escaping one's genetics.


  1. Sigh! I get the genetics escape problem. So we just live the best we can with what we've got!

    I'm thrilled with the peek over the shoulder your blogs give me of another mom-son connection. There's something about it, isn't there?

    Hope Baraq is just following his own body's needs. Usually animals are better about that than we humans are.

    Sending mental hugs for your feelings about your mom's situation, too.

  2. I am glad Charles said what he said. He's a wise man.
    I laughed at 'The Ring' as I went down the LOTR Hobbit hole! The boy has grown up enough to be a man! Look, ma, he has survived his teen and early adult years and you did, too!

  3. Right now I am needing more sleep too and even if I am mot sleeping I lay in bed to give my body rest.

    We finally got some much needed rain but are headed toward our driest months of the year.

    So nice that Annie and Scarlotta made friends. I hope Baraq is okay. Maybe he is jealous of Annie.

    No shower for 10 days. Wow!! Charles is right though. Happiness/contentment is a choice we make for ourselves.

    I never wore jewellery to work. It was mostly frowned upon in the nursing profession back in my day. They did allow a set of post earrings, a wedding ring, and watch but that was it. For years we were required to wear whites and our hat where I worked.

    I feel for Peran as I am disappointed to fight the weight battle constantly. No end in sight.
