Monday, August 7, 2023

Degrees of Endurance

 …perhaps if I keep on lowering the bar, it will soon be a mere curb to step over?!?

Ex & I stumbled upon endurance riding as “our” equine sport 33 yrs ago when we picked up a brochure at the feed store: “What Is Endurance Riding?” I might still have a copy of these old recruiting tools tucked away somewhere. The gold standard ride lengths for “endurance” are 50 miles & up (there are precious few 75-mile rides, although I’ve done one with Wynk - of course, that was 20 yrs ago! But the asperational endurance distance is the 100 mi-in-24-hrs event, which there again are growing fewer as our riding population ages. Nowadays Limited Distance (25-30 mi) riders far outnumber everyone else, and most rides now offer an “Intro” distance which is generally one 12-15 mi loop.

All the distances I’ve successfully completed over these past 2 yrs have been Intro rides - it seems I keep on lowering my standards, but between my long Covid symptoms, a bad back, & my bouncy boy Baraq while my smoother options Scarlotta & Moonie remain crippled, leaving me sidelined. This weekend was a different type of endurance event since I went to the trail ride at Shanghai Pierce Ranch. After minor internal debate, I took Bo who was also my mount at this event last year. 

Why would anyone schedule a trail event in August, the hottest month of the year? Fortunately the ranch is on the Colorado River, a lot of it is shaded and there’s usually a good breeze since we’re approximately 100 miles inland from the Texas Gulf Coast. We have an air-conditioned bunkhouse to sleep & socialize in. Cindy has managed her springtime endurance event for about 15 yrs; she calls the trail ride HER chance to relax & enjoy the ranch! I love this ranch too, even though my endurance record has been spotty here - probably batting about 0.400 here… invariably it’s usually too wet & marshy, or dry & hard as concrete.

I didn’t attend the trail ride in its early years because - seriously, a trail ride in August? But here lately I’ve made a habit of it because it is a lot of fun. This year I also convinced my friend Sam to come - my incentive was offering to ride the green mare he bought for his wife. Gayle is recovering from hip replacement surgery, so Annie has been idle for quite a while.

I rode Bo Saturday morning and Annie Saturday evening - she skittered out from under me when there was some unseen booger in the drainage ditch and I landed hard on my rump. No good deed goes unpunished! But I had also loaned Bo to a friend whose mare was crippled up - hell, she was crippled last year (navicular disease); she needs to retire her even though I know she loves her dearly. So I had to cowgirl up Sunday morning: between ibuprofen, some shark cartilage pills another lady gave me, and some of my Eastern-medicine herbs, I heaved myself into the saddle Sunday morning and Annie was a champ. So I guess you could say I replenished my street cred.

                                        Annie paired up nicely with Brandi’s little grey mare
                                                       Deb & Bo (she never spilled her beer!)

                                                               Bo & I Saturday morning
                                                               The mighty Colorado River


  1. After decades of being a Type A personality/Super Perfectionist I am all for lowering the bar and have. Stepping over the curb is enough for me. I no longer will be pole vaulting over it. Cut yourself some slack. Safe the perfect mentality for work and litle furry, feathered and scaly buddies.

    I think you did awesome!! At my age I would be afraid to ride a pony on a carousel!! You fell and are not in surgery!! In August I prefer events like 24 hour A/C monitoring. I go outside to do chores and complete them ASAP. Then back to A/C monitoring.

    Sounded like a great time! Loved the pictures! Laughed at Deb and Bo and the Beer. LOL.

    1. Yes, this trail ride is a whole different phenomenon - Cindy's husband scoots back & forth on their 4-wheeler, opening gates & handing out cold beverages to riders, it really is Gold Star service! He even had an assistant this year, Brandi's new BF Steve - we were getting lots of ribald laughs as Cindy instructed him to "service the riders"!!!

    2. It sounds like the best! Cindy sounds fun and funny. Hopefully Steve was ready for all of that teasing. LOL. What a great time!!! So worth going!

    3. Oh yeah - ya gotta have a good sense of humor to ride with my bunch! I came home 2 lbs heavier thanks to all the good food, but not stressing about it...

    4. Totally worth a couple of pounds.
