Tuesday, August 1, 2023


 I enjoyed reading the Harry Potter books, and although I hoped Zach would catch that Wizarding World fever, it didn’t quite click with him. (We did go to the first 5 movies together) I enjoyed “Potterworld” more as Harry matured, as the books & movies explored these themes of loss & betrayal even though in MY universe nothing will ever match Star Trek!

For some reason I’ve been watching The Sorcerer’s Stone (HP1) in installments these last few nights - it does drag on quite a bit, but the John Williams score is tremendous. (Music also figures prominently in Val’s universe) Anyway, if I continue to work my way through these films, I can contemplate how I may have gotten my mom into her new facility just in the nick of time…

I won’t go into great detail about The Sunday Drama, but I may owe the evening receptionist an apology. Mom told me the caretaker who responded to her after pushing her button for assistance chastised her, telling her to save the button for a real emergency?!? I called up there & gave the poor girl hell bcz “push this button when you need help” is exactly what one of the nursing staff instructed us to do last week!

(Yesterday of course being a Monday! I did not have a chance to go up there to talk to the nursing Director about coming up with a schedule for my mom. Simple stuff like being sure the reservoir on her coffee pot has water, turning on her TV (even I was having problems with it this weekend!?!), help walking the dog, and reminders to come out for meals)

But last night really drove the truth home through my thick skull: mom is exhibiting “sundowning” behavior; she started calling about 5 o’clock while I was still in the tumult of getting my afternoon appointments wrapped up so I couldn’t answer the phone. She called several more times and I reluctantly answered shortly before 6 PM…I got an earful as to how lonely she was in this facility with probably 60 other residents? But the kicker was when she then told me that people in the hallways were asking her why she was out and telling her she should go back to her room where she’d be safe.

I’ll definitely be talking to the Nursing Director today - I think the dementors have come home to roost. Poor Zach even commented “I feel so bad for YOU, Mom!”

With a projected high of 104° this Friday, I don’t think I will take mom out to the National Cemetery for my cousin’s memorial service. Surely family will understand - it’s more important for my mental health to get on down to my trail ride & I’ve got a lot to do to get ready for that!

We had a “too hot to ride” mini pool party last weekend - I took a basket of my mom’s old scarves to let anybody that wanted some to help themselves. Bobbie took the most (70-something and still riding!)


  1. I have not read Harry Potter or seen the movies but feel I should. I loved Star Trek.

    Your mom definitely needs a schedule and someone to watch after her. And she does need to get out for meals and meet other people. Hopefully they can get her turned around soon.

    The pool party looked awesome!

    1. Yep, you should read HP - despite all the recent controversy trying to "cancel" JK Rowling's authorship (!!!), they are excellent novels, young adult or not!
      I will always be more of a sci-fi person than fantasy however; the only reason I picked up her first book was bcz of its sensational success

    2. Most of my adult life I read non-fiction on all sorts of subjects. I would imagine a lot of science majors like me do read non-fiction. But I also am a mystery person. I started at a young age with Nancy Drew/Carolyn Keene, Agatha Christie, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Ellery Queen, Erle Stanley Gardner, Poe, etc. Years late when I got back into fiction I liked M.C. Beaton and authors like Louise Penny, who I am reading right now. I can't get into the really dark authors much.

  2. I think it was a timely and about time move for mom.
    I borrowed the first HP from my grandson and enjoyed it immensely.

  3. I discovered the HP series when the 5th book came out, and deliberately started with the first. Because I had five to go through right at the start, I was able to appreciate the development of J. K. Rowling as a writer through the series.

    Hope the scheduling with your mom gets figured out... it's not easy! I had to deal with Dad's adjustment to a home in the waning weeks of his life... it went fast but was excruciating.

    And I'm kind of like you... more sci-fi, and enjoying "Strange New Worlds" currently!

    1. I was a voracious reader throughout most of my life (not so much here recently due to TIME CONSTRAINTS & FATIGUE!) You've got to have a certain amount of mental focus to enjoy reading...
      But when I was a kid, one of my proudest moments was when my mom got me an "Adult" library card when I was 10 - I concentrated on sci-fi, devouring the works of Bradbury & Asimov. Got into true crime & horror as an adult (probably bcz of some of the horrific aspects of my 1st marriage), but I donated all my Stephen King novels to my son with the exception of his tour de force, the Dark Tower series
