Monday, May 8, 2023

Tick Tock

 Another week has gone by - sitting here slurping my coffee, mildly bumfuddled as I caffeinate myself for my workday… One of those nights in which dogs & bladder got me up at 5 AM, I managed to fall back into a deep weird-dream episode right before my alarm was scheduled to go off. One of Val’s typical “searching for place and/or person” but in the PNW - I turned into the entrance of a national park, lined with lush vegetation & palm trees (!!!). It’s a shame there wasn’t enough time for my subconscious to explore this territory further.

But I did get to see some beautiful territory for real when my trail riders group went out to Wyatt Ranch at Glen Rose Saturday. Originally we had planned a mini campout, but with a threatening weather forecast we wound up just going for a day ride on Saturday (the thunderstorms rolled through Saturday night). I’ve decided I’m going to ride and enjoy Bo as much as I can - I’m kind of in limbo if Christina and Marty ever decide to take him back for their little girl to ride? Catie texted me last week, asking me if I was gonna bring Bo to Fort Stanton? I said that could be arranged… I mean, I understand if Christina and Marty don’t want the responsibility of Bo potentially having any other kind of health crisis, but it’s a risk you take with living animals! He ain’t a damn motorcycle.


  1. Replies
    1. Dinosaur Valley (the Glen Rose area) has special significance to me - old family history which I need to put down in writing, etc...

  2. The ride looked awesome. Loved the pictures. Beautiful!

    I would definitely enjoy Bo. I would want to keep Bo if Bo were mine. I would be okay with Catie riding him sometimes but I think Bo is best with a vet mommy.

    I have some bizarre dreams. Mine are usually totally goofy.
