Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Life is But a Dream

 I’ve been recycling through the Star Trek movies: I wanted to rewatch ST 3: The Search for Spock last Saturday night**, then it seemed only natural to watch ST 4 Sunday night & ST 5 last night…

** my self-care routine (I snort inwardly whenever I skim such suggestions) consisted of pruning my hideous toenails & putting the lotion on its skin

ST 5: The Final Frontier gets a lot of flak for its esoteric theme & uneven execution  - Spock had a half-brother, Sybok was consumed by ancient Vulcan mysticism; he was exiled to spend decades searching for the mythical Shakaree (aka Eden, the origin of life). It’s not the best Star Trek movie, but I enjoy it nonetheless - it has its moments. One of my favorites is Kirk’s resistance to Sybok’s offer to face & relieve  his pain (as if we all had one singular episode, ha!) - he refuses. “I need my pain!” as he gives a mini-Kirk speech regarding our humanity.

I’ve also run through a series of podcasts which are “deep dives” into The Original Series - didn’t think it was possible for me to have a greater appreciation of Star Trek, but I do; it even gave me insight into some  episodes which (gasp!) I’ve never much cared for (several 3rd season episodes are marred by gaping plot holes & character inconsistencies). Anyway, I must convince myself that there is a “reason” for this terrible period of struggle in my life: career derailment, health issues, marital estrangement…

The plumbers were supposed to get revised estimates together last week, but we’re still waiting. The contractor was giving them “one last chance”, but we will move on to other options this week. I am exhausted from this miserable limbo of “Trailer Park Practice” - I want my damn building, my X-Ray equipment (flawed though it was, at least it was SOMETHING), and a *@#%& FLUSH TOILET. Sheesh!

Teaching Bonnie the tegu to be a lap lizard, watching TV with me. Tegus are smart & adaptable; she was scratching at her cage door last night when she heard my voice.


  1. I can still remember the first time I saw the Star Trek movies. I guess I tend to be less critical of any movie than the professional critics are. I seem to like a movie or I don't regardless of the problems with it. I can even ignore mistakes in it. I do the same with books.

    I hate to hear that the plumbers are being weenies. I always wonder why people are this unprofessional when their reputation and income depend on doing things right.

    Bonnie is so cute! Benny said she is practically a dragon she is so big!! LOL.

  2. So weird that lizards have such personalities. I'm not a fan of owning reptiles as pets but enjoy them in nature.

  3. I never thought of a lizard as being social, but apparently... Bonnie is! I have enough dealing with the social cats, and I miss the dog's exquisite social expressions.

    Much of a Trekkie as I am, I never got into the movie versions that much. I'd go see them, enjoy them once, and not think too deeply. I did greatly enjoy the Generations movie, that crosses over TOS and the next generation with both Kirk and Picard in the movie. Kind of a precursor to the current day Picard series.

    1. I've always been a diehard Original Series Trekkie - while I have watched TNG to a much lesser extent, I did not appreciate the movies (especially the "Generations" movie - but I do watch it just to appreciate the fact that William Shatner IS a consummate horseman - compare his riding skills to the awkwardness exhibited by poor ol' Patrick Stewart! Trivia - that is Bill's own Saddlebred)

    2. Awesome commentary. Bill Shatner has had the most amazing life... can you imagine... going into space for reals in your 90's?
