Monday, May 22, 2023

A Bust & A Lagniappe

 I’m glad I listened to my maternal instincts - stopping by my son’s house Saturday morning en route to the reptile expo on the northeast side of Fort Worth…

He was “traveling light” - not packing an extensive set-up with habitats & very few animals (only 7 snakes??!!??) so I had driven my little car. Following my own whims, I had decided to bring Izzy the juvenile Sulcata tortoise and the firebellied toad who lost her mate a few months ago. Z had given me the distinct impression that we would be meeting at the facility - I kept on checking his location as I approached and as I said, thank goodness I stopped by! Z was still pacing around in his underwear** while V slept in. We got everything crammed into my little car and got to the expo with about half an hour to spare.

As it turned out, there was no rush because the expo was very sparsely attended and our only sales were that little tortoise and the frog. Zach had rented two tables (we could’ve fit everything easily onto one table) so that put us down for a net loss of $65 for the day. I felt even sorrier for the man across the aisle from us who had a much bigger setup: about eight tables in a horseshoe configuration and also didn’t sell a single snake. The only big win for the day was the fact that Victoria came out later to help out and we got her to handle a couple of snakes. (She is mildly apprehensive; part of the reason Z is downsizing his collection)

At the end of the day, we decided it wouldn’t be worthwhile to also spend our Sunday in another such fruitless endeavor - Zach will go back to online marketing. Obviously the bottom has fallen out of the oversaturated ball python market.

** I joked that I should have just put Z in a sandwich board in those Calvin Klein underwear; we might have drawn a few more customers to our table!

But I got an unexpected text message yesterday from my friend Karen who was ready to ride again - I don’t think I’ve ridden with Karen since last October? We met up with a few other ladies from our trail riding group and had a very pleasant ride - it was an unexpected gift (aka lagniappe ;-)

                                                 Setting up Saturday AM

                             Glad to see Victoria learn that ball pythons are innocuous, gentle creatures

                                                      Very poor attendance Saturday afternoon

                                             Many of the BP breeders employ such puns


  1. I love tortoises and frogs, not into snakes, so I would have loved those 2 you had to offer. At least you sold something.

    So nice that Karen called and you got to ride with a small group of ladies.

  2. I'll never warm up to the cold-blooded animals as pets. I just don't understand the reward.
    The kids look cute together.
    Thanks for the info on resting post-Covid. I've been hit with bouts of energy followed by a lethargy I've never encountered.

    1. Yes, recovery from long Covid is, in fact, now my 2nd job! ;-)
      I've been doing lots of research "in all my spare time"...
      But I can now embarrass Z at the reptile shows by telling folks that I met his father at one - it was not a commercial exhibit, but an educational one sponsored by the herpetological club which M was president of (I was a new member; I had signed up with my dad who enjoyed snake hunting. For several months M did not approach me bcz he thought I was married!)
      You would be amazed at the lengths some folks will go for their exotic pets - I gave serious consideration to going into zoo animal medicine when I was a fresh young vet student.

  3. Not a fan of snakes, kind of phobic, but I applaud Victoria for facing her own fears. Funny what we'll do for those we care about. DIL is even learning a bit about basketball (spectator sports have never been her thing, but for my son, she's absorbing some of his passions).

  4. I wanted to add that Victoria is very cute. I love exotic pets - especially chinchillas but not snakes. Some are very pretty though.
