Wednesday, August 31, 2022

End of the Trail

 Clarice has been exhibiting “sundowning” behavior - where she gets worse in the evenings, but (marginally) brightens up each morning. But last night when she refused to eat, I recognize her last steps are before her. She had finally gotten comfortable in the recliner, so I left her there last night instead of taking her to bed with me. At 4:30 AM, my bladder had me up & Clarice had disappeared? I finally found her after about 3 laps around the house - she had wandered up into the foyer & wedged herself beside the iguana habitat. I took her to bed with me, startled myself awake shortly after 6 AM when I thought she had fallen out of bed - she had not, just moved over to stretch out comatose on the opposite side of the bed. I wearily reset my alarm for 7:30, thinking I could grab another’s hour’s nap - but went ahead & got up shortly before 7:00…

Izzy had her patellar surgery yesterday & I would like her to see her sissy one last time - hopefully Clarice will keep breathing until I am able to go pick her up. Then we will have another small invalid to nurse - of course the difference being that we expect Izzy to make a complete uncomplicated recovery at a little over 1 year of age! I called Zach last night to give him one more warning (I had called him Saturday when Clarice was also doing poorly); he was fixing a late dinner with the girlfriend. He has been shopping for RINGS (I will give him my old ones which ain’t much but hopefully can be traded in - a little sooner than what I had planned, my baby’s only 24! but this mom will plead the case for a Long Engagement) Weird thing is, his father was 24 when he proposed to me - we got married much too soon; 6 mos later he was 25 & I was 21.

The freight train keeps rollin’ - closing on workshop property this Friday; need to notify architect & workmen (secure fencing is first priority), also line up water tank & go by tax office to get Bertha properly licensed & registered. It is either refreshing or horrifying that Misti & I drove an unmarked RV all the way back from FL without a single inquiry by any law enforcement officers - I really expected to be stopped at least once?!?


  1. Replies
    1. The inevitable death of little Clarissima (18 yrs is a damned good run for any dog, even more so in the case of a rescue) or my son's engagement?? (ha ha, but PLEASE don't let them run off half-cocked like his father & I did!)

  2. Hugs for both inevitables. Sons don't always consult their moms for wisdom about their matches. And 18 years is a good run for a dog. Still too soon for us, but comfort as we can, love on them while we can, and I hope Izzy is home to "say goodbye".

    1. Well you ain't gonna believe this - Clarice awakened from her "coma" when Izzy came into my office, then she ate the fragment of hamburger patty I had brought her in the slim hope she might eat a few bites. Then she ate some canned dog food!

    2. That is awesome. I really think the animals know more than they are given credit for!

  3. LOL, I didn't think of that! Ihope the kids make smarter choices. I got married at 20, divorced by 23.

  4. I didn't realize Zach had a girlfriend again. I was divorced previously too and so were my parents so I am certainly no relationship expert. I don't know if people should ever get married. I never wanted to and managed to do it twice! Shacking up for a few years before marriage should be required. I married Benny 10 years to the day of my divorce. His idea and it seemed overdue as 10 years is a very long "engagement'.

    At least Clarice is enjoying her final days. She is an amazing dog. Everyone should know that by now. Any response from P regarding Clarice or is he a complete mackerel?

    1. (“Mackerel” although he is being a good nursemaid to Izzy so I can concentrate on Clarice’s last days)

    2. Ugh. At least he is taking care of Izzy.
