Saturday, September 3, 2022


 Clarice struggles on - her appetite returned when Sissy Izzy came home from her patellar surgery Wednesday, so as long as she’s eating I’m gonna continue to feed her!

Today she has mild cellulitis & slight “ooze” from her surgical incision, so we move on to Antibiotic #3 - if she seems more-or-less stable on Tuesday, I’ll recheck her bloodwork & contemplate a culture to wipe out any lingering infection. (Normal temp & normal BM’s are positive signs) Bad surgeon I guess! (Ha)

Rain has continued off & on all week, so my trail rider buddies canceled out on our plans to go horse camping this weekend. (Here you see the difference between trail riders & endurance riders - an endurance event would only be canceled for some extraordinary circumstances) Ain’t as if I don’t have plenty of other things which need my attention! Still a little disappointing as I was looking forward to a brief getaway. Had a nice dinner with son & Official GF Victoria last night which was very enjoyable, there’s my consolation prize.

Cuddled up in recliner with Clarice this afternoon, I teared up while watching the best animated Star Trek episode “Yesteryear”, where Spock must time-travel to rescue himself as a child, but his pet sehlat I-Chaya had to be euthanized - a sad premonition of sorts. I must have reached over a dozen times during last night to ascertain that Clarice was still breathing. It would be a blessing if this cup passes me by, but of course I will do what is necessary when the time comes. I would never allow my babygirl to suffer.

Izzy’s knee looks great - I’m so relieved that Dr Radasch was available to fix her - “He’s The Man”! And I give Peran big props for taking over her nursing care, all I’ve had to do is give her medications.


  1. Clarice is amazing! A real trooper. Clarice is a chihuahua, right? I have always wanted a chihuahua. Benny thinks they are delicate. LOL. He is soooooo wrong if Clarice is any example.

    I do not like being in the rain so I would fall into the trail rider group and not the endurance rider. Kind of a wimpy cowgirl. LOL.

    Blessings on P for stepping up to the plate for Izzie.

    Z's girlfriend is very cute and looks nice.
