Tuesday, August 30, 2022


 I’m always learning some new terminology, hanging out on social media with some of my younger colleagues!

“NRE” = New Relationship Energy

(My young friend was describing the ecstatic phase of a new relationship when ya can’t keep your hands off each other - yes I remember that stage well, even though it’s like a fond distant memory now)

Old Relationship Energy these days seems to consist of P doing his dead-level best to avoid all contact with me - he was gone when I got home last night about 6:30, showed up briefly just as my Star Trek was coming on (I joked: “Hurry, honey - you’re just in time!” - shall we just say that P is NOT a Star Trek fan!), then left again to take care of some volunteer fire dept business… He reappeared about 8:30, fixed his dinner & isolated himself in the kitchen…

When I reached around him to hug him from behind (it was lonely without Miss Izzy, he had taken her up to the surgery center for her knee surgery this AM), I could feel him cringing away from me - but as usual I was too tired & stressed to make an issue of it. At 3 AM in desperation I took a quarter of a Xanax - I had dozed off briefly but my racing mind had reawakened me shortly before midnight. This translates into a foggy head this morning but I had to get a little bit of sleep.

Clarice‘s blood work has improved - her pancreatic numbers have returned to normal as have her kidney function values; however, she still shows significant inflammation so I put her on a new antibiotic yesterday. She’s eating well but this morning she vomited right after she got up - we’ve obviously still got a sluggish GI tract. I would like to think her mentation is somewhat improved, although she still qualifies as a zombie dog. On we go - as I mentioned, I’m not undertaking any heroics at this stage, just good supportive care. I took her skin sutures out yesterday which she did not appreciate in the least.

Quick photo dump:

No this is not one of my patients (restaurant prop)

We got one brief stroll on the beach between raindrops
Small private beach at our hotel
Crossing the Mighty Mississippi River
Misti piloted Big Bertha very well (I drove the first part & the last part, she drove the middle)



  1. Foggy head is horrid. But lack of sleep is, too. Good news about Clarice's numbers, and lovely photos!

  2. I would love to know what is going on in P's head.

    At least Clarice is holding her own though her condition still seems very guarded.

    At least you have Big Bertha now. Things are progressing.
