Friday, October 14, 2022

One Fine Day

 (which I know is a duplicated title from an old post, but that’s OK - the shoe fitting, etc. etc.)

Yesterday WAS a fine day -the first day in I-don’t-know-when where I got to do what I wanted and needed to do instead of racing all over town like the proverbial chicken with her head cut off! I was surprised when Karen texted me Wednesday to ask me if I wanted to ride yesterday. (She’s always working) Her plans for a mini-family vacation were nuked: she had put in for this week off sometime back, but now her kiddos have scattered hither, thither, and yon.

A.) Oldest daughter M has set sail for MO to make a go of it with baby daddy after months of back-&-forth turmoil (she’s 20, baby daddy about the same age)

B.) I thought I posted about C (19) - her 4-month marriage has already disintegrated as she has moved in with her 41-yr old  boss. (Karen is scandalized & ashamed “I didn’t raise her to be like this”)
C.) 18 yr old son T has left for OK to reunite with birth parents, not much news from him
D.) Youngest daughter  (17)  spent a short time with birth parents, then returned to Ennis and has moved in as a mother’s helper/nanny for someone.
Rapid empty nest syndrome for Karen! So she needed a good ride - we went over to Trace Trails to idle through the woods, luxuriating in the fabulous fall weather (it’s still pretty warm around here, but cool enough in the shade)


  1. Nice! Glad you could get out.

  2. SO many issues! The ride looks comforting.

  3. Shows how life can be turned upside down no matter how careful one's plans! Glad you got a ride out of the deal, though... pretty photos!

  4. So glad you and Karen were able to connect. I'm sure you both needed it. It's true that we all have a lot on our plates. The more kids you have the more plates to juggle.
