Friday, October 7, 2022

For Better or For Worse

 … I’m committed to this path, and I’ve got to see it through - like it or not! My annoying habit of looking at things from several time-traveling perspectives is absolutely unhelpful at this stage in the game:

What if I had pushed harder to get into the shopping center space in Red Oak? I could be setting up in a nice new cleanly-remodeled space instead of looking around my dusty workshop and thinking about the onerous chores ahead of us. (It’s the waking up at 2 or 3 AM, filled with dread that’s really getting to me)

My water tank won’t be delivered until Monday, thanks to Hurricane Ian. Last night I cleaned out one of my old water barrels which we can use for handwashing as if we’re camping out until the plumbers get us set up. I know I project my own worst traits onto Peran as far as procrastination and a tendency towards slovenliness, but he had let this barrel sit on the flatbed growing an impressive assortment of algae and mold - would it have been that difficult to tip it over and empty it out when he was no longer using it a couple months ago?? Oh well that’s what bleach is for! Thankfully we won’t have to drink it; I will buy us a couple of cases of water at Costco.

I feel as if I’m running around like a chicken with my head cut off, trekking to Zach’s to help with animal care while he’s embroiled in school work. I’ve been keeping his dogs at the farm for the past two weeks, but trying to squeeze his three cats in would be too much for my little fluffballs. Not to mention everyone else that needs care: the rats, the lizards, and all of the snakes. I didn’t manage to squeeze in a trip by the pet store yesterday for my weekly cricket run, so I’ll have to do that today.

I’ll post a couple more pictures before I close the door on our Pensacola trip - I was able to have lunch with Zach  and Victoria yesterday; when he looked at a picture of Peran and I wading in the surf, he commented: “You look pissed off!” but I wasn’t PO ‘d, I was tired and concerned since we had to hike about half a mile to get out to the beach and of course had to hike back. All that was offered at the visitor center was a water fountain - I was worried that I might require assistance to get back. Fortunately I did not - I just trudged along slowly, bringing up the rear

More later!


  1. Benny and I both had a big laugh over the emotional support dog. Of course we both want/NEED one. I would love to have a dog but at this point it would not be fair to it. Or a cat. Anything that might show me a little love.

    The turtle is mostly my family heirlooms too. I actually have 2 of those turtles but it's okay because I like my outdoor fake animals and wish they were all real - the fake frogs, the fake turtles, the fake chipmunks, the fake squirrels, the fake birds, well you get the drift. We have plenty of wildlife but it has waned over the years. Some of is has to do with climate change/pollution and some due to the fact that no one takes care of the wildlife here other than us. They neighbors surrounding us are mostly killing everything.

    Re the water barrel. Benny is like Peran. I am about taking care of things. Maintaining, cleaning, etc. He is about goofing off. Once I get him on the right path he does okay. But he is easily off track and who can blame him. He is dying.

    Things are moving alone, albeit slowler than what you want. Same here. Progress is made at a snail's pace.
