Sunday, July 2, 2023

The Longest Journey

 …for Val begins with the laundering of the bedsheets in my horse trailer! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Is there anything on earth that smells as good as linens dried on the clothesline? From there, the packing and loading of the horse trailer will proceed in its normal haphazard fashion - the only major adjustments will be to quantities of horse feed and hay, depending on how many I’m hauling?

Christina sent me a cryptic text message the other night - I tried to call her back since I was in my native environment, driving in my car! but got her voicemail. I don’t know if “slaving at work” means she won’t be able to get away for Fort Stanton? My other friend Chris messaged me yesterday - I reassured her I will come unless I absolutely fall over dead; I just don’t know who all I am hauling besides Baraq? If Christina doesn’t reply over these next few days, I’ll try to pin her down - I do need to fill out the horses’ travel papers…

Speaking of cryptic communications, Peran allowed that he wanted to go to the pub yesterday, fish & chips for a late lunch. Sometimes I wonder if that man is spying on me - I had messaged my trail riding buddies earlier in the week, hoping I could pull off a similar surprise to Linda’s gathering at Union 28 when P finally alerted me of his birthday dinner plans. Of course 3 1/2 hours was far too short of notice, I couldn’t even get mijo to roll out! Peran revealed  that he was a little miffed at me for getting home so late Thursday night since he had wanted to go to the new barbecue joint in Ennis, but how on earth was I supposed to know that?  Hearing about it two days after the fact isn’t exactly helpful!

I tried to be as diplomatic as Henry Kissinger as I explained of course I hadn’t wanted to stay out late Thursday night either, but the young man who built Mila‘s cage asked us not to come until 8 PM because the final coat of varnish was drying! (Not my fault, in other words). I do wonder at times what planet my husband lives on, where everything goes according to plan? I know Peran continues to be jealous of the time and energy I continue to devote to my son but it is what it is - Z can have my last breath.

Strange as it sounds, in high school we had a priest lecturing us on interpersonal relationships - I’ve never forgotten his explanation of “IGYYSOB” as one of the “games people play”: I’ve Got You, You SOB”! Peran seems to delight in trapping me in these conundrums…


  1. Sigh! I get the "son can have my last breath" because having an only child, I feel the same. Fortunately, he's doing well and isn't particularly in need of my last breath, in fact, is giving some of his to others. Sometimes it's a real boon to have a child who has studied mental health and is a practitioner of the art.

    Hope your haul is a pleasant one, as well as your ride!

  2. Self preservation seems to be a good idea.
    I don't get the silent clues very well. If you want to go somewhere, tell me. Don't wait until it's over then give me a hard time about it!

    1. Yep, for me you need to say the quiet parts out loud! But P avoids conflict as if his very life depended upon it... I don't know if I'll ever convince him that just bcz we disagree doesn't mean all is lost??!!??

  3. I used to have a clothes line and used it but at some point it got damaged and my hubby didn't replace it. We have too much wildlife and overhanging branches to hang things out anyway.

    Hopefully Christina will let you know something. Isn't it nice when people are crystal clear in their meanings? Such as, "I can't go to Fort Stanton." So much easier than trying to read someone's mind. Maybe you need a Ouija Board or Eight Ball to help with answers. - LOL.

    Maybe it is a good sign that P is wanting you home earlier and wanting to eat out with you more.

    I love the cat meme. Benny was upset by it - lol - and channeled the cats' thoughts who he says wants his/her cat perch fixed and said owner should get on this ASAP. Yet, when things around here are not working he is a lot less speedy with getting on it. LOL.

    1. My Magic 8-Ball got broken many years ago! As did my beloved retractable clothesline... I grew impatient after many months of P failing to replace it, so I bought a normal one & tacked it up across the porch myself. Ain't as if we're competing for House Beautiful!
