Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Sounds of Freedom

 (Happy 5th of July! This national holiday falling on Tuesday has really messed up my internal calendar, not that it’s been working exceptionally well here lately anyway!)

Of course Monday was a normal workday for us at CVC, even though many of my colleagues took an extended holiday weekend. But I need to keep those doors open, generating some income as I stress about keeping all my plates spinning/balls in the air juggling during this renovation. No doubt I will need to close (hopefully only one day) when it’s time to shift our freight into the new facility; I’ll worry about that more when the time frame is more exact! I’ve already warned my girls that there are no surplus funds for the professional movers (who charged an astronomical sum for packing my storage container), so we’d better plan on doing it right by doing it ourselves. Recruiting husbands, BIL’s and maybe even a few clients…

Our friend & neighbor Steve (widower of my dear departed Ginger) held his family reunion/4th of July blowout Monday night. I prepped my usual baked beans & left P with the task of heating ‘em up/delivering them. On Tuesday, Peran wanted to see the “Sound of Freedom” movie which is based on the true story of Homeland Security agent Tim Ballard, who quit his job to battle child trafficking. A very good, but very intense & disturbing film which kept me awake last night (as if Val needed much to disrupt her house-of-cards sleep cycle!) But P & I even chatted a bit afterwards - P discussing his conspiracy theories of how Hollywood blocked the distribution of this film for 3 yrs… Val reserves judgement since there are many films which never see the silver screen if they’re not a sure-fire money maker, or stall out in production. Even my beloved Star Trek franchise had a hard time making it to the big screen!

Of course Val had to research how much of Tim Ballard’s movie was fact vs fiction - while not wanting to doubt the awesome Jim Caviezel!


  1. I hope you get lots of help with the move.

    I found in early adulthood that fiction was usually more titillating than nonfiction. I was at certain events that occurred and when later these events were retold they bore little resemblance to the truth.

    In my area men seem to be more accepting of conspiracy theories than women but I mostly have educated women for friends and most of the men who live here are dumber than a box of rocks, to be honest. I'm a science major so I'm not much into anything that has no proof. Benny enjoys the IDEA of UFOs and aliens but he knows I am not especially supportive of these kinds of things. I think there is a reasonable explanation for most things and it doesn't involve little green men. Sometimes it really is just a weather balloon or a trash can lid or swamp gas or the government spying. Not so easy to tell when people are deliberative trying to be deceptive.

  2. I just want to be titilated, April, sorry Val!
    Seriously, having clients help might be fun if you cater a small meal which would cost less than professional movers as well as make it a gathering. Wish I was there! I need a break from all my home-work.

    1. Janet, I'm not opposed to certain kinds of titillation too of the right kind and I won't be getting it. Benny guards me like a Brinks truck. LOL. Val, I need a break too, like Janet, from house drudgery, but I hate moving. I am nosy though and enjoy looking through other people's stuff, including medical equipment. LOL. I'm more the type to organize stuff. Not so much a strong back. And OneKidsMom is so right about the grain of truth.

  3. Fiction primes us to be taken in by conspiracy theories, and conspiracy theories feed plots to fiction. And even those of us with a healthy sense of skepticism can see the balancing of fact and fiction / germ of truth feeding the yeast of conspiracy. Sigh. In the end, we have to draw a circle around what we can personally influence and what we cannot.

    Hope your week gets straightened out (mine has had three Sundays in it, so far... I'm so confused!) And may we all live through another day, and keep breathing!
