Wednesday, July 26, 2023

The Imperfect Storm

  Yesterday was “M-I Day” (move-in day) for my mom at Arabella. It was the exact antithesis of pleasure, although I was relieved last night to know that she was safely tucked into this “safer” place, even if it is the last place on earth Mom herself wants to be… I have heard so many variations on the sad refrain of “my daughter is forcing me into this nursing home” - you would think I’d have grown numb but it still stings with each rebuke.

I need to get moving right now instead of typing - I need to take mom a simple slip leash for Abby (she cannot manage the clasp on her leash), and a surge protector so we can plug in her phone at the head of her bed. A few other odds & ends for her room and we should have it fairly well set up, then I’ve got to jump into finishing emptying the cottage of its treasures. I believe I’ll just pay a guy to stack the rest of the stuff from the closets in my hay barn; thankfully I can leave the rest of the furniture (couch, 2nd BR set, desk, kitchen table & chairs) since the facility manager says they can just use it as a model. Mom is supposed to be first in line this morning to get her TV hooked up - last night I stayed through dinner time, but then put her to bed early since we were both exhausted.

More on the rest of the comic tragedy my life has become later - my financial house of cards is collapsing and I just have to watch it like a slow-motion train wreck. FML as the kids say!


  1. Oh, dear! Should I be troubled that I interpreted the TLA (three-letter acronym) in the final sentence without having to think very hard? Glad you got over the hump of move-in day for your mom, and (( hugs )) for the slings and arrows that come with hurtful comments. She's not herself. And you deserve better, indeed!

    Hang in there!

  2. I was not suprised that the move-in would go this way but hoped not. I think you did too and were as prepared as you could be. You are tough. We know we have to take the bad with the good. The good is that she will be safer and that trumps almost everything else. At some point a big percentage of people are not happy with their situation no matter where they are. Maybe we will be the same. I hope not because I have spent a lifetime deciding to be happy no matter what circumstances I am in. We have a choice of our glass being half empty or half full and I choose the latter. Your mother is not capable of taking care of herself. That is the bottom line.

    I hate to hear about the finances! I am sending a prayer.
