Friday, July 21, 2023

Phase ?!?

 I am now entering what should (hopefully) be a relatively short-term but intense different sort of endurance event, let’s call it The Triplicate. It consists of A.) getting my mother moved, B.) finishing getting Mesquite house cleared out & on the market, C.) securing financing to complete my clinic remodeling.

Yesterday I had to take mom over for her functional evaluation at Arabella, fill out some paperwork, and take her across town to Dr Martinez (physician who used to provide care at the Villages but doesn’t come out there anymore) so he could update her P.E. & sign off on more paperwork to transfer her medical records from the Villages. My cousin complicated things slightly by texting me at 8:30 AM to say she was coming to pick up Mom’s antique secretary (a combination curio cabinet/desk). I had just sat down with my cup of coffee - thank goodness I heard my phone ping so I got up to reply to her and ask her to slow her roll slightly since I need to get over there and empty the priceless artifacts from this piece of furniture!

I only beat her over there by about 15 minutes - of course, when mom was informed what was happening, she sulled up and refused to finish her breakfast sandwich. Then when we got that task completed and we needed to go down to Red Oak, I couldn’t find her car keys! they were not in their normal spot (a small bowl on the kitchen counter). I had a very clear memory of replacing them there the last time I took mom out 2 weeks ago and I had this horrible suspicion that she had hidden them…I could also envision her hobbling out to her backyard and winging them over the fence!

Fortunately after a short but intense search, I found them in the bottom pocket of her walker - isn’t that odd for a woman who hasn’t driven in five years? So we were about half an hour late from when I had planned to be in Red Oak, which meant I didn’t complete the paperwork before we had to trek across town to her doctor’s appointment. The usual tedious delays there, coupled with another Medicare evaluation meant we had a very late lunch. Then I still needed to get mom back to her cottage and bounce back across town to pick up the tiny kitchenette table and a couple of (non-rolling) chairs.

                                         But I think this throne really suits me, doesn’t it?

1 comment:

  1. Love you on the throne!
    I'm glad you are getting this move done.
