Friday, July 22, 2022

Steps in the Right Direction

 I could also have titled this “Adventures with the Autonomic Nervous System”

I thought I wasn’t doing too badly - that is, until I got up and got moving this morning! My R knee is stiff, my glutes are sore, my neck is “just-stiff-enough” that I’m on the verge of a headache, my eyes are puffy, itchy & swollen. (15 minute countdown until I can take some ibuprofen, spaced out from my thyroid pill)

Yesterday I had my stress echocardiogram which wasn’t too miserable - but just as well DS did not accompany me since I had to wear a ridiculous paper gown over my electrodes; good thing I’m not a shy and sensitive person since this left my tits flopping out for preliminary & post-exertion scans.

Zach had loaned me his lucky Grateful Dead T-shirt but as I said, I didn’t get to wear it anyway. I had to strip from the waist up, the technician pasted me up with electrodes, put me on the table for preliminary scans and then lined me up on the treadmill to march with increasing speed and incline until I reached a  target heart rate (at my age, this was 132 with maximum of 162) or had enough. I was getting short of breath with the familiar tightness in my chest (I wouldn’t exactly call it pain, just discomfort which is distressing enough) after about 8 minutes when she said she had what she needed - back on exam table for  another scan.

Of course the familiar phraseology: “doctor will read the scans & call me in a few days”. I’m not expecting anything dramatic - my symptoms are consistent with post-viral pericarditis/myocarditis. Hopefully things will get better with time. I made it home in time to make Diem’s Thursday night yoga class - I was a little too short on time and energy to do Bruce’s class Tuesday night, my “usual”. 

My attorney is drawing up an offer for the property in Ferris, so hopefully we will get that ball rolling. The avalanche of things to do teeters over me - there’s nothing to do but try to stay a few steps ahead of it.


  1. I laughed at the horse tales in memes... One foot in front of another. Hope you get good info from the doc about your scans.

  2. I lost my post. Grr. Had to laugh about your exposed tatas. Aren't those tiny paper gowns ridiculous? I am a fidgety person so when I am put in one I end up with it shredded with a couple of strings hanging on me. The doctor came in once and thought the nurse left me there naked.

    Good For Zach. I am a Dead Head. Benny never got them. He liked Pink Floyd. I like Pink Floyd okay but they are not the Stones.

    I hope they accept that offer!

    The memes were hilarious and so true. We used to tell everyone our chinchillas had the Platinum Health Care plan. We were uninsured. They got cortizone when they needed it. Designer meds - the pharmacy had Blocker as their #1 beloved diva. She always requested the Pina Colada flavored liquid meds. "If you like Pina Coladas............." LOL. Yep. that was Blocker.
