Monday, July 11, 2022

Baby Steps & Sleep Aids

 I am an inconsistent follower of Marla Cilley, aka “FlyLady” - her cleaning system is certainly to be admired with her “baby steps” & start-small philosophies. Doing something is always better than sitting around & cursing the darkness!

But another form of “baby steps”  I have begun is very light PT - I’ve also been following “Kneesovertoes” Guy, an online coach who has rehabbed his own bad knees starting with the baby step of walking backwards… Remarkable! I could feel different muscles firing all down the lengths of my calves & thighs, it has made me a little bit sore!

The long Covid group I’ve been following recommends trying for 3K steps per day initially  - no doubt I accomplish that throughout the course of a normal workday, but I’m adding on 10 min of  backwards ambulation. Adding in some of his weight training exercises as time & energy allow…

My anxiety levels are high as something needs to be decided with my clinic THIS WEEK, so sleep quality suffers. New doctor suggested trazodone but even a fragment leaves me too foggy-headed in the morning - it’s not worth it. Another thing which seems to have suffered is the quality of my dreams - it would almost be a relief to have some of my old anxiety-fueled, chase & pursuit type dreams back, where I will have at least known that I achieved some REM sleep! After a miserably restless Sat night, I let the big dogs out about 6:45 AM, scooped up lil’ Izzy & laid back down - with her help I fell back asleep for an hour and 45 minutes which was wonderful, even though I was stricken by guilt at sleeping in when I should have gotten out of the house by then! (Needed to swing by and check on my mom early since we met friends for lunch yesterday) Each morning I carefully check Clarice to make certain she’s still breathing - she is very frail these days, but as long as she’s still able to stumble around & retains her voracious appetite, we’ll keep on truckin’.

This is from a few weeks ago (she’s already beaten Z’s Easter prediction of “6 weeks”) - right now she’s still sacked out in the big bed 💕❤️


  1. Carl's vet had recommended a CBD oil and valerian root chew tor his fireworks anxiety, and I found they also work great for the staying over at Grandma's house, too. But seriously, as with past visits, he has calmed down and settled in and doesn't need them.

  2. I tried Flylady but think I had way too many actual flies - lol - and was not really motivated enough to keep up with it. I am trying better now.

    I was struggling in early 2020 to even walk to the bathroom when I had Covid. Now I am getting 10,000 steps in almost every day again. There is hope.

    Love a little girl with a big appetite. Bless little Clarice.

  3. I love the GIF!
    As a 2x arthroscopic knee pare down the arthritic tissues in attempts-to-keep-my own-bones gentle! I had several sets of injections over 5 years as well and I believe it did help. The backwards walking is something I haven't tried. My doc said no walking as major exercise, no elliptical machines and ride a bike. I have this slant box to stand on to stretch my calves. You'd think you get this in daily life until you step on it and realize you don't! Quads aren't the only things to keep good knees.

    Gentle hugs to Clarice.
