Monday, July 25, 2022


 Only time will tell if these investments I’ve made were good or bad - concrete values like real estate are easier to measure. I think I cut the best deal I could on the sale of the clinic property, too bad the corporate entity didn’t go for my pitch to have THEM buy the real estate and let ME go to work for them - they are concentrating on prospects up in the big city, they’re not interested in a semi-suburban/rural practice out here in the sticks.

The value of Z’s little house in Mesquite has skyrocketed, at least according to Zillow. Saturday we made an expedition to IKEA to get him a new bookcase, a daybed, and a small dressing table as well as a couple of area rugs - we’re just gonna cover up that stained carpet for now. All those years of assembling Legos has paid off as Z got right to work putting everything together. (I’ll insert some pictures later after I go through the tedious process of emailing them to myself)

Next we have to acquire a mattress - the ones at IKEA did not seem sturdy enough for my 200-lb baby boy!

Sunday morning I taught my first yoga class at our gym - Claudia had asked me months ago, but I kept putting her off with my injuries & illness. It turned out only three older ladies showed up for it, which was fine - it was meant to be a slow-placed, meditative class anyway. (We had had a dozen on our sign-up sheet). I have committed to a month’s worth of Sunday classes and we’ll see how it goes. It was enjoyable but today I am surprisingly sore - even Yin yoga can be a workout, not to mention my step-counter showed 2.8 miles for hiking around IKEA and then getting furniture unloaded and set up at Z’s on Saturday.

I made this cutesy flyer - should’ve photo-shopped my face onto Ms Cute Young Thang 🤣😂


  1. Cute flyer, for sure. And I'm sure that the soreness will go away quickly. Mine did fairly soon after that six mile walk on Saturday... my Sunday started real slow and gentle, but by today... not a problem at all.

    Funny how kids toys prepare them for the life they start as adults. IKEA is just one example. Surgeons from video games, I'm told, too.

    Have a wonderful week ahead!

  2. LOL on the poster!
    Yes, time will tell. I thought of your son's reptile family this past weekend. Did you see the news about the Pennsylvania man who was strangled by his 15 ft pet python? Ick.

  3. Personally I would rather go to the vet in the sticks. I hate having to go to the big city for a vet.

    Looking forward to seeing the pictures of Zs place.

    Love the poster. Hilarious!
