Thursday, June 16, 2022

The Road Goes on Forever

 I received a nice package in the mail yesterday - it was my soft-cover book; I had the first 3.5 years of this blog of mine printed out for posterity (Jan 2019 - May 2022). Maybe it will be of some interest to somebody (mijo?), but there again perhaps I should’ve just taken that $125 and used it to start my bonfire…

We anxiously await a little rain so I can burn that brush pile - I should also hear by the end of next week whether my beloved Fort Stanton ride in July will be canceled due to drought conditions and wildfires in New Mexico. I’m trying not to dwell on the social media posts of my friends who are going up to Colorado this week for that beautiful ride - Zach & I have to get those baby lizards sold at the reptile show this weekend. That will be fun but also a lot of work - I’m trying to rest up and pace myself accordingly. I had all the best intentions of going in for Bruce’s 9 AM yoga class this morning since I missed my Tuesday night appointment, but I got up with a splitting headache - fortunately sinus-related since I took some ibuprofen and it is now fading away…

In one week I will see my new doctor and hope she can aid me in some sort of recovery plan. Just when I think I might be doing better, I am slapped back by chest pains, general malaise, and existential despair. I seem to keep hitting dead ends in my relocation search in a few moments I’m going to try to call a colleague in Seagoville who’s approaching retirement age - if he can be reasonable we might have something to talk about? It sounds much better to buy into an established facility as I grow more and more demoralized as I look at my place which will soon be demolished. There is a workshop on the south edge of Ferris which, there again if the property owner will be reasonable! could be remodeled but it also has to have city water brought in.

And next week I’m supposed to have another chat with the corporate entities - it would be great if I could hammer out a deal with them where they bought the real estate and I work as a salaried employee; that sounds better & better all the time! “Calgon take me away!” Relieve me of some of these responsibilities…

These little dogs are trying as hard as they can to help keep mommy afloat, but it ain’t easy.


  1. It's why I enjoyed being an employee instead of an employer. Walk away! Someone else handles the stuff of headaches. I didn't mind being a salaried boss. I could still walk away!

  2. Good idea on the blogs. Hope the employee thing works out, that would be much better for you.

  3. It is even going to be dry here for at least 2 weeks. I wonder what will happen to all of us should it decide to never rain again. Hopefully we still have some real scientists left. This world is effed up. I hope you can secure something soon job wise as it would take a lot of stress off of you.
