Monday, July 29, 2024

Solo Mission

 Saturday’s ride turned out to be a solo mission - I had offered a ride to the nice young man at my PT place (Stretch Zone); one thing after another has kept me from getting him into the saddle! This time he had 2 bad tires - but when I texted Sam relating these facts, he misunderstood & thought **I** had tire trouble! So he passed word down the line & everyone else canceled also (well, it was only Sharon & she was having a hell of a time catching her horse)

Anyway, Baraq had been first in line at the gate Saturday morning, nickering at me hopefully - “Mom, is it my turn to go places??” So it was very pleasant to have a relaxing Mommy & Me Day - I put Baraq in his brisk 4.5 MPH NATRC walk, and he was not bothered by hikers, cyclists, or dogs. I told B-boy that if I could just teach him to open some gates, maybe we’d do some competitive trail events! 🤣😜

I guess I’ll take him to a Leisure ride & see if he can score a few more point than Mr Silas…

Then on Sunday I trekked over to the Ft Worth Zoo to see the baby gharials (they are the only NA zoo to successfully hatch these endangered creatures) - both the babies and the adults were so beautiful it brought tears to my eyes. I doubt my iPad will let me post any pictures this morning but I’ll try to add some later.

                  That lil' footbridge and dark bamboo tunnel was slightly intimidating!


  1. Sounds like it was fate that Baroq should have his time to shine. Mr. Silas has really worked out well too.

    So cool about the gharials! They have such nice teeth. So unique!

  2. Awwww... love that you and Baraq got some quality time together! Sorry that miscommunication happened, but you know... silver linings!

  3. Loved the pictures! The ride looked great and so do the animals. Everyone looks healthy and happy.
