Friday, August 2, 2024

I Ride, Therefore I Am

 My sleep quality has been marginal this week - nothing unusual, just one of those periods of my life…Perusing my Fitbit sleep data may be counterproductive - I know I tossed & turned, & woke up still tired; I don’t need a damnable piece of electronic technology to remind me!

Really on the fence about going to my trail ride this weekend, since both my Carlas have backed out as well as both Lisas! And poor Sam may be in transit right now - he’s going home to India for 3 wks to sort out care for his elderly mother. I know I haven’t mentioned my own mother recently as she continues her slow, pitiable, inexorable decline. I did manage to get her into the shower yesterday, which is an ordeal for both of us - at least she only had body odor and not frank fecal contamination. 

I had signed Peran & I up for a “couples’ heart scan” which was promoted on the radio for $99 - it sounded like a heck of a deal, but then he backed out since he had a phone interview yesterday (fingers crossed). I went ahead and went by myself, having read the reviews and knowing this outfit is trying to sell you on their full screening packages - which I may be interested in when my financial situation is a little less precarious - but for now I’ll just take my $99 heart scan, thank you very much! I should’ve warned the radiologist to pay no attention to my degenerate clavicle, just as I told a new girl at my PT place to nevermind all the snap, crackle and pops my little musculoskeletal system feature. (It doesn’t hurt it just sounds funny)

But nevertheless I want to see my other friends: Cindy, her daughter & granddaughter and everyone else that shows up for the trail ride, so I’ll be loading up shortly to meander on down to Wharton. I’ll actually be taking Silas for my friend Tina to ride - I don’t know what misfortune has left her afoot but I’m happy to oblige and that way I can ride Baraq again, he’ll be happy! No points or mileage but lots of fun, good food & camaraderie…


  1. I'm mentally cheering for Baraq's good fortune in getting another ride with you! Ride on!

  2. I agree about the Fitbit sleep function. I have not looked at it in ages. I come and go as far as sleep goes. I can't tell how many hours I sleep so I doubt Fibit can either.

    I hope Sam's meets less resistance to helping his mother than you do.
    It is very disturbing for me to see what your mom puts you and herself through.

    A $99 scan is a really good deal these days.

    So nice when both Silas and Baroq can go. Enjoy your ride.
