Tuesday, August 20, 2024

The Buzzard’s Roost

 Periodically, I’m just gonna have “one of those nights”, when my anxieties have boiled up to a minor peak, and all of those evil buzzards come home to figuratively roost over my head. A technique I read of years ago involved telling oneself sternly “Stop!” when intrusive thoughts were keeping one awake, but this didn’t work Sunday night…

And just think - this was triggered by the welcome news that I may have a buyer for the mobile unit! (Buzzkill: all of this may have been for naught, as he should have made his downpayment yesterday which never appeared**) I am tired of treading water, ready to go ahead & take my licks by accepting a lowball offer - I am neither a horse trader nor a used-car salesman. I have rationalized this loss by telling myself that I would’ve had to pay rent on any other space we needed to work out of during remodeling: “the cost of doing business”. The overall market has taken a downturn in real estate and vehicles and I am no Svengali, I’m just a simple animal doctor!

** hopefully the guy has just hit a minor delay, as I have on many occasions trying to dig out from my vendors debt!

So at 3 AM Monday morning, I was wide awake, running down the list of disclosures I need to make - minor repairs that Bertha needs: the backup camera, the fan switch, the leak in the water tank for which I couldn’t track down a replacement… As well as all the ordinary roadworthy checks - the tires, the fluid levels, belts & hoses, etc. Misti & I had an uneventful road trip, driving back from Pensacola and I would hope this Colorado buyer would do the same - of course shit can always happen and that’s where Caveat Emptor, an “As Is” sale on this 20-yr old vehicle comes into play. (Print out necessary sales paperwork to make this clear)

It was really stupid to lay awake fretting about this, but I dragged myself out of bed yesterday and got my job done - my veterinary job, that is! Unfortunately I did not hear from the buyer, maybe today? (Fingers crossed) Thankfully I got a decent night’s rest last night, so today should be less tedious.

In other news, my cousin’s eldest son (51) will be returning to Texas next month with his tail tucked between his legs - he has also been job hunting for 18 months without success. He and his wife will take up occupancy in his parent’s home while his younger brother offers him office space in an outbuilding which used to house my cousin Steve’s model trains. Peran & I are going back this weekend to claim my aunt’s couch, which I’ve joked doesn’t quite fit my color scheme but it’s in much better shape than our weatherbeaten old sofa! “Beggars can’t be choosers” - we need a new sofa, but after spending $1100 a couple of months ago on the new washing machine, I don’t want to put any more on ye olde credit cards. Talk about financial stress!

                                         Lucius looks quite proud of his handiwork, don't he??
The only structure remaining from my cousin's dairy farm is this grain silo

                         This is the New View from where the hay barn once stood (new boat ramp)
              Only the majestic pecan trees remain which formerly flanked my cousin's house


  1. Any free couch is good, as long as it's free of tiny critters!
    How long will it take the cat to customize it?
    That property is gorgeous.

    Keep being optimistic, but be real. Is the maintenance of the trailer and any associated fees worth looking for a high priced buyer? I agree with you that getting it off your hands may the best option.

  2. From Tish:

    Still unable to post to Blogger.

    I can totally relate about the sleep problem. I sometimes wear myself to a frazzle thinking of all of the things I have looming over my head when I should be sleeping. I try not to but it's hard to ignore the bull in the china closet. It's in your face. Ready to wreak havoc.

    I hope the potential buyer ponies up today. Definitely should be an "as is" sale as it is still an old vehicle.

    Lucius is very cute but also quite destructive. Benny always suggests scratching posts but in my experience cats are not all that open to suggestions. I had fairly good cats who instinctively knew what cats are expected to do. Never had any problems like dumping loafs in the closet but Maynard could not be trusted with a chicken thawing out on the counter at all. They both assumed it was their job to kill everything that walked through the yard and drag their bounty in and share it with us. That being said, I adore cats. And I don't know that I would ever want a new sofa with Lucius as the on site decorator. LOL.

    Your cousin's property looks beautiful. Love pecan trees.
