Monday, August 26, 2024

The Tell-Tale Heart

 Whomever wrote (paraphrased) that “being a mother is like having your heart walking around outside your body” was absolutely correct, even though I thought it was a cheesy sentiment at the time. Of course, I feel much the same about my non-human children, but everything is accentuated with Zach…

Zach called me over his lunch break Friday - fortunately, I could “lend an ear” to him for a while as he vented about his relationship troubles**. I have noticed this distinct imbalance from the start - of course, it made sense when Zach was “merely” a student that he did most of the cooking and all of the cleaning & laundry, but now that he is a full-time member of the workforce also, this dynamic needs to be re-balanced. (Before Victoria moved in with Zach, she lived with her grandparents where Adela waited on her hand & foot

** I wasn’t about to overstate my case! - all I told Zach was that I perceive Victoria to be fairly self-centered; “my” truth of the matter is that I think she’s a spoilt little princess and I am amazed in one sense that my son fell in love with such a high-maintenance person. I thought sons were supposed to select someone more similar to their mother? I also only admit here to my annoyance about him ceding the car to her - I bought the Lexus 13 months before he actually graduated as an incentive/reward/early graduation gift for Zach, yet Victoria seems to constantly be behind that wheel, leaving Zach to continue to drive his grandfather’s old Impala (which is still a good vehicle by the way).

I asked Zach to come by after work yesterday to help Peran & I get the furniture rearranged - the old couch went out on the porch and my aunt’s sofa took its place in the living room. I obviously saw it through a veil of nostalgia last weekend, because it’s had its share of wear & tear too, but it’s still in better shape than the green couch! I almost titled this “you can’t go home again” since  I don’t remember how many months it’s been since Zach has been out to the farm?  But he admired Athena & Aphrodite - told me her enclosure was too small,  which is the truth of course! & handled hissy-faced Claude a bit - I took some photos to commemorate which I will have to download later. Victoria called him three times over the course of the approximate 90 minutes he was here, so he rushed off in short order. She keeps my boy on a very short leash.

1 comment:

  1. Yep! Short leash is visible from the text!

    Sigh. As the mom of a son, I feel that heart-string tug, too. Got to have lunch with mine yesterday, and he picked up the tab. His work load is gradually decreasing as he has taken a good six to eight months to wean off the old job when he took on a new one. Thankfully, his wife is a great support, and they make a fine team! Different strengths, but both having grown up as only children, somehow they allow one another the independence each of them need. This is marriage #2 for both of them.
