Friday, July 5, 2024

4 Days

 Remaining until I’m hopefully heading out to Ft Stanton. I’m in no kinda shape, leaving a lot of  “Things I OUGHT to be doing” here on the table (line up workmen to finish out my dog kennels, harass Oncor Electric so I can get my X-ray machine reinstalled), but regardless I’m going anyway!

I almost wimped out on doing our 4th of July parade yesterday, but wound up riding Mr Silas. Hard to believe - I posted invites on both my trail riders groups (I know many of us may be dual members, but there’s at least 50-60 people, out of which probably 2 dozen actually RIDE with some frequency!), yet NO ONE came out to ride?!? I know it was hot, but still!!! Silas & I had a brief but spirited discussion when I asked him to leave Miss Scarlett & cross the dam (!!!), but I won since I carried the riding crop… 

I don’t know if this video/photo montage link will work, but I’ll throw it up here anyway. The kids are great about adorning their horses, I’m the stealth rider in a red T-shirt/purple helmet on basic black pony.

I should’ve nicknamed yesterday: Watch Val’s weight fluctuate! I got up Thurs morning mildly bloated, sweated off 2 lbs during the parade, went to our neighbor’s big 4th of July cookout, and ended up almost right back where I started this AM. 

I’m still hoping to make my Bonham pilgrimage tomorrow to visit my aunt’s house before Cousin Ann gets it sold, then swing out to see big beautiful Bois D’arc Lake which devoured my cousin Joe’s farm (more eminent domain woes). Nagging Christina from afar doesn’t seem to be doing much - “she’s feeling better!” - of COURSE she is, bcz they loaded her up with steroids! but there’s only so much I can do.

Everyone thinks they’re invincible until proven otherwise. Another bit of sad news is that dear deceased Ginger’s younger brother was killed in a whitewater rafting accident Wednesday? We have very few details, Steve got choked up while making the announcement but declared Carl would’ve wanted us to go on with our celebration (most of Ginger’s family still comes down for the 4th)


  1. I am glad to see you are still planning to go. There will always be more work to do as my grandma pointed out and, like she said, most of it can wait.

  2. Loved the pictures and the video. Can't believe you were the only one to come of your groups.

    Sorry to hear about Carl. When I was young I thought white water rafting might be fun but then when I really saw people involved in it and went down a few rapids myself in Missouri it lost it's appeal for me.
