Monday, July 22, 2024

The Bristol Hillbillies

 One minor accomplishment this weekend was having a pile o’junk hauled off - the addition of the gate which Scarlett broke by scratching her big booty against it last Thursday was just too much to bear! The stack in front of the barn included 2 previous gates, rusted metal shelving, and our old garage fridge which gave up the ghost at least a year ago. We also had the old BBQ grill on the side porch, and some “metal art” - big chickens which we had salvaged from a neighbor, but I never could keep ‘em staked upright; they were constantly getting blown over! (probably why he had jettisoned ‘em)

In other words, it was a trailer-load - for the life of me I can’t explain why (unemployed) DH had let this eyesore fester for months & months - in the past he has periodically gathered up the scrap & hauled it in for recycling? The few bucks they paid for scrap metal would generally at least cover the cost of the fuel. Go figure? I mean, even though I joke about us living like hillbillies, I do have some pride in our lil’ hobby farm - so I paid a guy $200 for the clean-up. At least Peran completed the pasture mowing - knocking down the tall weeds since I can’t afford to spray ‘em…

I don’t know why my iPad has gone on strike as far as posting photos - it makes my recent entries feel incomplete. I’m not a good enough wordsmith to describe the intricacies of the Tevis trail, for instance - not to mention the snappy memes I come across! I should be able to tediously email & transfer with work computer, le sigh!

Postscript: I’ve come back hopefully several times, to see if this recalcitrant iPad would start loading photos, but alas it will not cooperate! Even tried my only “repair” method, a shutdown & restart, ha ha! So I’ll have to edit later - no, it will NOT include a photo of ye olde junk pile! I was ashamed of that mess; why doesn’t my husband take more pride in our property? Maybe, as several have mentioned, he is in fact deeply clinically depressed, that could explain everything about his oddball behavior over these past months? But I cannot force him to get help - I have a funny feeling he would retreat like he’s never retreated before if I try to press the issue…


  1. Every time I read about someone hauling a load of metal off I am jealous as we have tons of it here and I am always eager to get rid of it.
    We have done it a few times but men seem to replace it quickly. We have old appliances. Old vehicles. Hubby likes to recycle what he can himself so what ends up ate the metal recycle plant is real trash. I'm for getting rid of a ton of stuffs.

  2. Le sigh! Sometimes you just have to allow time to pass before you figure out the next "solution" to a tech issue! Your entries are JUST FINE! At least we know you're still plugging along when you post even text.
