Monday, July 15, 2024

Followed by The Major Pilgrimage

 (Otherwise known as my summer trip to Fort Stanton, New Mexico)

I’m thrilled to report that everything went well, mechanically & otherwise! My only complaint is that it was far too short (as usual). I drove straight through on Tuesday, which gave me the full day Wednesday to rest & recover, do some minor shopping for supplies as the nearby town of Capitan always stocks up for the Texas invasion. I rode Thursday & Saturday, taking Friday off as Silas was fatigued** and I had a minor altitude/allergy related headache.

** A 16-mile loop in the rocky hills of Fort Stanton is easily equivalent to 25-30 miles in the flatlands; Silas tripped & stumbled quite a bit which could get one’s blood pressure elevated in those hills! But I don’t think I had a lameness, a neurologic or a metabolic problem - I think I just had a clumsy Walking horse who wasn’t paying close attention to where he was putting his feet. We did my favorite, the 11-mile Homestead loop on Saturday morning; the highlight of my trip may have been the baby western diamondback we saw along trail. I saw him out of the corner of my eye, made Silas circle back - I would’ve loved to take his picture, but Silas was restive and I couldn’t take a chance on dropping my phone! He was a gorgeous little creature, buzzing those two buttons on his rattle as hard as he could…

We rested up for a couple of hours, then I went ahead and pushed all the way back home Saturday night, getting home a little before 2 AM. Let me dump a few photos and tell you the rest of the story later!

(Or not since the iPad is being funky)

Thank you work computer!


  1. Glad that things went well! Poor Silas... good you gave him Friday off.

  2. I am so glad that you made the trip. It looks beautiful! My highlight would have not been the snake though. LOL. Nope, not into that!
