Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Another Lagniappe

 (I know I’m re-using that title, but low on energy & ingenuity this AM - c’mon, coffee!)

I can tell when I’ve achieved a period of deep, high-quality sleep when I wake up slightly disoriented - it takes a few seconds as the wheels spin and I orient myself to time, place, day of the week, etc. That hasn’t been happening recently as my anxious mind frets about A through Z: gotta get the mobile unit sold to free up some cash to finish paying off my vendors & start catching up on overdue taxes - I’ve been afraid to touch base w/my accountant as those penalties & interest add up! Need to finish emptying out the storage unit - still partially filled with shelving, miscellaneous equipment, boxes of books - need to squeeze in what will fit, get rid of the surplus… Nag the X-Ray guy to bring back my machine as we continue to wait on Oncor for our power upgrade - surely there’s a workaround, even if we have to power everything else off when we need to take films! Then the final stage is setting up my surgical suite so I can sell off the surgery trailer, hopefully it will be in higher demand than the mobile unit?!?

Yet all I seem to accomplish these days is daydreaming/planning my next ride, or a meet-up with my son. Last night he granted me the lagniappe of dinner, but that was primarily because he wanted to obtain some heartworm preventative medication for his coworker. It’s all right - how does that old song go? “You Just Keep on Usin’ Me (until You Use Me Up)” Dr M & her husband are marching briskly towards another surgery for him, which is scheduled for the end of August - obviously I’ll be without help for a while; perhaps permanently if he has complications? Kristy’s mom has been in & out of hospital with her lung cancer; she should be transferred to rehab facility this week. And the visiting nurse brought up my mom’s slow insidious decline - I need to schedule a meeting with the nursing coordinator as I will probably need to hire her supplemental help.

But for now I’ve gotta just keep putting one foot in front of the other, as I finish my coffee and get ready for work.


  1. Onward! And now I have that old song playing in my head!

    1. IKR? I'll try to post the YouTube link later :-) - that's always been an "oldie but goodie" for me...

  2. My po’ lil’ iPad is becoming progressively more deranged… it has never let me comment as “myself” - but just now, when I tried to go through the rigamarole of signing into my ancient Hotmail acct, it informed me “unable to sign in to comment”?!? Weird weird weird - let’s hope it will still let me post entries!
    But anyway, I feel as if I deserve an honorary chemistry degree, not only for helping shepherd Z through his, but trying to effectively juggle all of my supplements… I’ve pared it down to magnesium & CBD at night, still finishing off my assortment recommended by the functional-medicine practitioner a couple of months ago (can’t tell any significant benefit so I’ll go back to basics: B-complex, a couple of my herbal formulas, zinc, and fish oil after I finish these out)
    Of course this is Val!

    1. I usually just take the magnesium, a vitamin d, and turmeric close to bedtime. Sometimes chamomile tea because I like it. And I do think they work. I have not tried CBD. I didn't know if it caused one to test positive. I have heard really good things about it. I think I may need B-Complex. I have been thinking about zinc. I used fish oil in the past but I developed hematuria from it and my straight laced doctor was p.o. at me as he thought he should be enough to satisfy me.And really, can you satisfy anyone when you are telling them, "You're not 25 anymore.............." Blah, blah, blah. I may not be 25 but I still have to work like I am so I'm going to need something to stay upright besides kind thoughts and duct tape. I have a history of bleeding and had to take Vitamin K shots for years so I should have thought more about the fish oil. I take collagen, vitamin c, ACV, cinnamon, a multi for old women, K2, Cholestoff. And my one prescription B.P. med. I am not sure if I need them or not other than the turmeric. I know I don't eat right. My dad took high doses of vitamin 2 for years and never got seasonal illnesses.
