Sunday, March 12, 2023

Lumbering Forward

 …there is certainly no “spring” in my step this morning - I can relate to the Facebook meme that’s going around: in my youth, I was like the Black Knight from Monty Python, “Just a scratch!”,  but nowadays I sleep wrong and feel like death warmed over.

I am also bummed out because obviously here I sit at home instead of being on the trail at horse camp. No doubt I made the right choice - I’ve gotten a few things done this weekend but as always I don’t quite measure up. 
I can discern the pattern now: I am allotted short measures of time with my son and then he must devote himself to his girlfriend for the rest of the weekend. We got a few things moved Thursday but then our efforts (MY efforts) stalled.  I’m not trying to make this into a power-play; I just want to get Z’s animals squared away and taken care of…. I know I seem to keep extending this deadline indefinitely but we will have to get something settled with the Mesquite house.
Alex has bought himself a ticket to return to Nashville next Friday which has also liquidated his meager paycheck. Peran will be taking him to the airport because next Friday I shall be working. Supposedly his in-laws will now allow him to stay in their house - I hope these are true facts because I am done, baby done!  this man-child is 24 years old and is gonna have to learn how to stand on his own 2 feet. I don’t want to add up how much money I have funneled into his support these past couple of months - let’s not even talk about free rent or free use of the vehicle (including fuel!)  etc. etc.
“Charity begins at home!” - That’s what I always say 🙄
I met three of my trail-riding girlfriends  for a late lunch yesterday which was nice. If I get off my butt, go check on my mom and get a few errands done I might have time for a short ride this afternoon.
Time waits for no veterinarian - hopefully the city inspector will sign off on our permits tomorrow so remodeling can begin in earnest!


  1. It IS time Alex got out of your purse.
    Sounds like Z is doing right by his GF.
    Good luck on the remodeling.

    1. (Val of course) - yeah yeah yeah, **I** was young and head-over-heels in love at one point too! I have no doubts about mah boy being a good attentive BF; I worry about this young lady (who seems nice enough but has slight histrionic tendencies) running roughshod over his tender heart…
      They are seeing a couples counselor next week - while I’ve offered innumerable times to help Zach find another good therapist, this wasn’t exactly what I had in mind? Of course, it may be a promising start…

  2. It's hard watching our young 'uns making their own mistakes, sometimes. Good luck as you "keep strong and carry on"!

  3. I can totally relate. I used to spring out of bed ready to start the day. Unstoppable. Now I kind of slowly slither out of bed trying to not be upright too fast. Sucks.

    Maybe Peran will have a heart to heart with Alex on the ride to the airport as I have found that men are better at getting other men to man up than women are. Obviously, Alex has no male influence from his real father. Poor kid was screwed over when he got your ex who was even less than a sperm donor. Hopefully the system is screening potential parents better now. No offense to the feminine race but most men still want to cling to a "patriarchal society" where men have all the power and women do all of the suffering. I am no longer into that and never really was. I have never been especially maternal, thank God. I think Alex' in-laws need to do some tough love with their daughter instead of concentrating totally on Alex alone. Time for them to stop being co-dependent while allowing 2 parental units, them, and 2 non-parental units, you and Peran, to be tortured. Seriously, everyone needs to throw them both out and let the chips fall where they may. Why would anyone have to grow up and take care of themselves when they don't want to and are not required to?

    The girlfriend lunch sounded great. I hope your mom is doing okay. I hope Z is about to get up to speed to on those animals before they all die and before you keel over from too many irons in the fire. I agree with Janet and it sounds like Z is trying to find time for you and his GF. Now he just needs to find time for all of those animals. It's a balancing act as you well know. I am overwhelmed a lot with everything on my plate. You just keep plugging away. Setting priorities and meeting them, downsizing if need be, but I am talking to the choir. Soldier on.

    1. Well I can never claim to have EVER been enthusiastic about mornings - always tended to be a night owl!
      It's wild that I keep on reminding myself - girls maturing faster than boys & all that - but when **I** was 24, I was entering my senior year of vet school, an ol' married lady of 3 yrs who had been managing my own household quite nicely (yes with parental support but without the continuous-crisis mode my boys seems to operate under!)

  4. I'm not certain that boys will ever grow up willingly. Our son lived at home after he was out of college until he seemed to get that he was not going to run our household and that we expected him to man-up. I knew a man who lived with his parents until they died!!! Good grief!! My mom could not support me when I turned 18 so I was on my own with no support of any kind and I can tell you it was rough. My dad would not have supported me. I got part time jobs, went to college, went hungry a lot, ran out of gas a lot going to college. Was practically homeless at times. It helped me realize that some how I can handle just about anything you throw at me.
