Monday, January 14, 2019

Recurring Patterns

"Day 4 of 30-d Shred"

Thursday, May 13, 2010

I enjoy gazing upon the random pattern of scattered sweat droplets that dot the belt of my treadmill after I've clocked my "time" for the day...
[50 min, Cardio Level 4, 3.35 mi, av. speed 4.1 MPH]
The machine claims 600+ calories burned, but I have my doubts (I read somewhere about how grossly inflated these estimates are). What I DO trust is research from Dr Cooper, many yrs ago when I was but a fresh young runner [I used to charge out full of enthusiasm, injure myself or just get tired/sore & burnt-out, & quit - thus my 23+ yr cycle of intermittant running!] => basically an efficient runner going @ his/her most comfortable pace would burn approx 10 cal/min... So that would put me around 500 cal - THAT I can believe.
[Good, that means I burned off the 3 flour tortillas I ate during a celebratory breakfast w/an old friend of mine!]
I'm being very slow & cautious in this 30 d experiment of mine - in recent years, I have followed current recommendations to run on an every-other-day basis to avoid injury...
I enjoy the elliptical but cannot manage to read a book while I'm gliding along! So for now I will continue harnessing myself to the good ol' TM: I can accomplish not only a workout, but the brief escape from reality that a good book provides. Win-win all around! 
I’d be afraid to push my poor ol’ decrepit feet up to a 4.1 MPH pace these days - 2 days ago I knocked out 5K on the treadmill in 56 min, average pace around 3.3 MPH. Not too shabby!
Another grey chilly day - impossible for me to have any enthusiasm for outdoor activity with this miserable cold intolerance, it seems to get worse every winter. But I guess as long as I can keep moving, I should be grateful.

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