Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Relief & Agitation

 Good news on one front at least - Karen called me last night to say she had gotten her grandbaby back. Baby daddy texted her over lunchtime to tell her “come get her at (his dad’s house)” - so she jumped & ran! Melissa had gone over there Sunday evening; they argued which he filmed (what IS it with the young ‘uns videoing EVERYTHING?!?)**, his dad got involved & so did the police - but of course since there were no court orders Melissa had to leave without her child.

** no doubt T was trying to entrap her with an assault/harassment charge, but perhaps he consulted an attorney who told him these were bad optics?

All’s well that ends well, I suppose - and so the legal wrangling begins; Karen was going to take Melissa to Ennis PD to file her OWN report. Lord help the whole family; I would never want to relive those dark demented custody-battle days myself.

I nearly set myself on fire this morning, warming my rump by my propane heater (singed my nightgown), and my heart was hammering alarmingly as I got the ponies fed… I need to confirm that my mom‘s invoice is being paid so I can maybe go to urgent care and get a quick scan - I really haven’t decided the best route of action? I saw a new acupuncturist the week before last; he only charges $50 a session and while a half hour of lying quietly on his table sounds appealing, I don’t know if my time might be better spent going back for an “oil check” to allopathic medicine? (I checked my thyroid levels also two weeks ago and they are fine but maybe auscultation, an ECG, maybe another cardiac ultrasound?) When I got back up to the house, my pO2 was 96 - I haven’t been for a hyperbaric oxygen treatment in two weeks either. Decisions, decisions!

But it might be the best therapy of all, if this warmer, mild weather sticks around - to get Mr. Silas out for some fresh air and sunshine. This entire month has gone by without me putting a toe in the stirrup - I know that is grim news.


  1. Such a mess. The father of the baby is doing the right thing to contact the MIL to exchange the child. Its best for the mother and father to not come in contact with each other if they can't act in the best interest of the child and it sounds like neither one is. My parents were like this. The child is the one in the middle. The one harmed the most. Sending a prayer for Karen as she is probably going to have to be the only adult in this relationship.

    As I have gotten older my body has certainly become high maintenance and consumes too much of my time to take care of it. I find what works best for me is to be able to stay home, rest, have some me time, avoid stress, sleep, and eat right. A horse ride sounds like it should be high on YOUR list.

    1. Poor Karen was on "house arrest" today, as Baby Daddy was harassing Melissa to "pick up Leah & take her to the zoo". (Her new attorney advised her to NOT allow him to take the child ANYWHERE until custody documents are on file with the court)
      She locked her gate & made sure the "No Trespassing" sign was in full view - AFAIK she hasn't had any unwanted visitors, but I offered to bring her a pizza, carrying my shotgun just in case! (she politely declined, K has her own firearms ;-)

    2. Yikes. Sounds totally creepy. It's going to be "fun" for Karen and her daughter to spend a lifetime with this guy in their radar, which as you know is often the case when you have a child with a bum. Maybe he will find a new Baby Mama and move on. They sometimes do. I married a bum but some how didn't have a child with him. I think I felt something wrong that I transmitted to my ovaries. "Don't release the eggs!!!" I escaped a bullet. Sounds like Baby Daddy just wants to cause havoc. Melissa's attorney needs to speed up this overdue process and get everyone protected. Melissa and Baby Daddy need to learn to "stomach each other". They don't have to like each other but should be civil. My parents only stopped fighting when I was an adult and refused to listen to their B.S. about each other. It was all true but I didn't want to hear it. I experienced their ridiculous behavior first hand. These were the only parents I had. Not like I could send them back for a switcheroo. In other words, Hopefully Karen will focus on the child, like my grandparents did, as someone needs to.
