Monday, January 22, 2024

Carousel of Broken Dreams

 There’s been no point whatsoever to writing as things have gone from bad to worse. I continue to flounder in a cesspool of financial distress. The powers that be have completely locked up my mom‘s account at Edward Jones - I have made multiple phone calls and keep running up against the same brick wall: “we’ve got to circle back to your financial advisor”. First of all, this is not what my parents had planned when they added me onto the account years and years ago, for me to have to go hat in hand each time I needed to make a disbursement! There is one slim ray of hope - I have an appointment Thursday to go meet with my attorney and get all my legal ducks in a row (Last Will & Testament, end of life decisions, etc) so I will ask her if she has any bright ideas. Must I take my mom to an independent neurologist to certify that she was of sound mind when she signed the new power of attorney forms??

Anyway - as if I didn’t have enough troubles! I feel increasingly worse and I know the stress of all this is not helping one little bit. Zach waited a little too late to register for his classes and found that the P-chem class he needed to repeat (oops) conflicted with his high-level lab. After a lot of round and round and back-and-forth, emailing his advisor, the professors and finally reaching out to the dean, he did manage to wedge himself into the full class at the appropriate time so he can graduate in May. If this ordeal had drug on any longer, I don’t know what I would do - I will have failed at absolutely everything if I can’t even get my son launched.

This cold dreary rain this morning certainly matches my mood. I got a last-minute notification Saturday of one of my riding buddies going to a benefit concert in Waxahachie. Yes, Peran asked me “Who’s Journey?” but he came anyway. (I had a TXU rebate card that was burning a hole in my pocket) then it turned out the guy is a client - his wife came over and thanked me profusely multiple times, so at least I got a few ego strokes from that. But the fact of the matter is, even though they tried real hard, there is only one Steve Perry! Peran prefers country music and kept a pained expression on his face - I told him later I’d rather he not come than to act so miserable in my company. He sputtered a bit but had no real response for me. I need him to hang in there at least one more week so I can get the damn property taxes paid.

Once again, gotta finish my last slurp of coffee and get on with my workday

I am behind that post - my pal Susie & her hubby (big bearded guy) are right below that green arrow


  1. ((( hugs ))) Sigh. Some patches of life are just tougher than others, and I'm sorry you're wading through one. I'd rate Zach's school experience as "Whew!" And a concert with music you love is better than none, even if you have a grumpy partner. I do understand the sentiment as that's how my 10 year high school reunion went... my DH was not having a good time AT ALL, and that put a wet blanket all over my own. Sigh, again.

    May the sun come out and clear up some of these troubles... you don't need a fuller plate! Hope your own financial person can give you a road map.

    1. How coincidental that you mention “wading” as rain continues, and I slog wearily through our Home/Farm Sweet Mud Pit! It’s so marshy going down to the barn that my little car is struggling

  2. Your son is of an age where HE will be the one who failed miserably! You gave him the skills he needs, he's got to live his own life and fight his own battles now. Let go the reins, girl!

    1. I know you are correct, if only there weren’t so much DRAMA associated with everything! But I guess that’s life w/mijo as he matures & learns to regulate his emotions. I’ve tried to logically advise him, similar to Spock, but while he’s better than he was, he’s got a long way to go to get control of those feelings…

  3. I hope that your financial situation improves soon and that you will not be meeting so many roadblocks. How can they lock your mom's account up when she needs this to pay her OWN lodging and bills? How can they ignore your power of attorney? I don't get it.

    I think this thing with Zach is very common. My son intended to graduate in 4 years with a science degree and the university wanted to stretch it into 5 years. They wanted him to not worry so much. Relax, take his time, be happy. I was already aware how this worked as my half-brother got an accounting degree stretched into 6 years which my dad and step-mom paid for as he wasn't focusing on academics ever. He never passed his CPA exam. It was hard. LOL. Of course the colleges/universities want this extra year as it is more money, more money, more money for them. It's a scam, in my opinion. They set limits on how many hours a semester you can take and then set degree requirements that demand more credit hours than you can take in 4 years. So my son took classes in the summer at local colleges. He had a lot of money leftover from all of his scholarships and they absorbed it.

    Rainy and foggy here for days. Benny had his 2nd round of chemo. Got to watch 4 people crash while they were having it.

    I am shocked that Peran doesn't know who Journey is. I love Journey. Even without Steve Perry the songs would have some merit.

    Sometimes mates have to muddle through things that are not their cup of tea. I find that women, like us, know how to do this with grace and style. Peran's behavior was unacceptable. Time for him to stop acting like a turd. Seriously.

    1. Apparently this is quite the "thing" with Edward Jones locking accounts/restricting access to one's own funds... (after a brief consult with my attorney yesterday).
      And I admit, I am at a loss as to how to correct P's behavior after all these years! (I am reminded of a former therapist's comment: "Do I really want to be training another one?" ;-)

    2. We have an Edward Jones account and they are a pain in the rump. Franklin Templeton is much better.
