Sunday, December 17, 2023

Raining & Pouring

 …is what it did all day Friday, as “everything else” rains down upon me like the wrath of God.

On Thursday I had my consultation/tedious testing session with Dr Crouse of the Head Trauma Center. When I began recounting to her “all that’s gone down” these past couple of years, she seemed truly surprised & sympathetic (yeah I know as a mental health professional that’s kinda her job!) - it was almost like a mini-counseling session:

Seriously injured in car wreck, exposed to Covid/lingering long Covid, forced off my property by eminent domain, the stress of relocation, ongoing nonsense of the never-ending remodeling project, parent in declining health while having to take over those reins**, peppered with what seems like “above average” losses of friends, family members, clients & other acquaintances… And those are just the highlights; I didn’t even delve into the distant husband, lopsided friendships or the slow tedious severance of my son’s umbilicus.

Zach finished up his finals in one hideous marathon session last Monday, but Tuesday morning he took Victoria to the ER for what turned out to be “tamale poisoning”. (even her grandma questioned her: “If it didn’t taste right, why did you keep on eating it?!?) Then poor Adela (V’s grandma) fell & broke her hip Thursday, so that was another long day at Medical City, awaiting her surgery Thursday night. I drove over there Thurs afternoon so Z & I could go retrieve her car. Then Z was felled by the mysterious GI bug yesterday - while I preach biosecurity to him all the time, I suspect V passed this contagion along. Urgh!

** I called out a mobile notary to sign off on new Durable POA forms for my mom since this is what her financial advisor claimed to be lacking (I thought we’d signed all that years ago, when she & Dad added me onto all their accounts) - now it should only be another “10-20 days” before everything is approved 

Perhaps there is a dim light at the end of my tunnel that is NOT an oncoming train! I’ll just have to keep the wolves away from my door for a bit longer…

So even though it’s a beautiful, clear, crisp sunny day today, I don’t think I’ll be able to work in a ride - everything’s a sloppy muddy mess & Sam has hauled off for a rider’s biomechanics seminar N of the Metroplex. Silas no longer flinches when I walk up to pet him, so I’ll count that as our “groundwork win”!

“You don’t get the pint, Woodrow. I’ve walked the earth in my pride all these years. If that’s lost, then let the rest be lost with it. There’s certain things my vanity won’t abide.”

I dug out my dog-eared copy of “Lonesome Dove” last night, just to skim some highlights (only a few, or I’d have been up all night ;-)  This one, 2 pages after the death of Augustus, also caught my eye:

“Next time you come, why don’t you just catch a grizzly bear & ride him in?” Gill said. “I’d rather stable a grizzly than this mare.”

“…why would you keep a creature like that?”

“Because I like to be horseback when I’m horseback” Call said.

Watch Val grin foolishly as I recall my parade of fabulous horseflesh: from my beautiful Bucky-boy to Shetan, Sahara-bug, Zacc-the-horse, Wynk, Quig, Champers, Baraq, Scarlotta and now Silas. (& everyone else I’m typing too fast to mention) I’ve been incredibly fortunate.


  1. Love comes in more forms than humans. A great line of equine loves has blessed your life, Val. All your medical family emergencies has my little collection of just two family members with side-trips to hospital pale. But you are persevering!

    May there be some relief in the last couple of weeks of the year!

  2. I might want to see Dr. Crouse too. I could use a mini or maxi counseling session. You certainly had plenty of stressors to impress her with. I would too.

    Yikes on poor Z, Victoria, and her grandma. I hate G.I. bugs.

    Glad you are getting POA for your mom. Definitely needed.

    Sounds like Silas is settling in. He is adopting you.

    You are definitely a horsewoman. You and they have been blessed. My favorite horse quote,

    I am praying that things slow down for you soon. Maybe even a little boredom to set in and allow your inflamed body to heal.

  3. My computer was acting up so I could not find my favorite horse quote to post. Just installed windows 11. Arrgghh. I so hate Microsoft!!! "“The horse, with beauty unsurpassed, strength immeasurable and grace unlike any other, still remains humble enough to carry a man upon his back.” - Amber Senti. I have no idea who she is but have wondered.

    1. Hmmm, obviously I am no kind of cyber-detective! I tried to Google her, came up with one page with multiple nice "horsie quotes" but when I tried to search for She Herself on Instagram I got flagged for "search for child pornography" !?!

  4. Creatures great and small! Mu list is not so much one species, but the amount of varieties made me laugh. My mother was a bird fan, and every parakeet was named Chipper.
